tthings kids say

Taro, Pregnancy and learning- all in a days routine..

Think of two things you would not naturally connect, type them in the search box in this blog and there is probably a post about those two things.

What has Taro root got to do with Pregnancy and learning? Here is the story...

Earlier today we visited friends for lunch at their new place. There were lots of dishes, all safe items given they knew my allergy history. There was this one curry in particular that was extremely yummy. While I sat there figuring out if it was potato, plaintain or what.. she said "it is Taro.. what you call Seppan kazhangu".

I was baffled. Having had Taro all my life, especially as Taro roast, it was difficult to believe that what we were eating was actually Taro. It was crisp, had sharp outlines and the texture was as good as a potato roast. Okay, if you are not south Indian, you might be wondering what all the big fuss is about.. 

So we deviate for a little cooking lesson. Taro, is a root and when we get it from the market there is a lot of mud and dirt still on the root. My mother taught me (her mom probably taught her) that the right way to prepare Taro was to first wash the thing, put it in a pressure cooker with some salt and cook it, then remove the skin, wash again, then cut into little pieces and do the roasting with seasoning in slight oil (or if you are a roast fan like me, lot of oil). My MIL does it the same way as well! The real issue is that when you pressure cook it and remove the skin, usually the first few millimeters of the Taro is all mushy! My kids don't like to peel off the skin off boiled Taro unlike Potato because they think it is "slimy and Yukkie". 

So how did this girl, who is almost half my age, manage this miracle of sharp cut Taro pieces in a roast that was cooked yet not the slightest bit soggy? I said "Impossible! how did you manage it?" and they both say "we got tired of the slimy stuff.. so we decided to peel the Taro first, then cut it into nice pieces, then we slow cooked it in a covered pan for a long time.. much the same way we make potato roast!"

The simplicity of this approach was impresive. But have you seen Taro fresh from the Indian grocery store? Peeling it is the equivalent of giving the Yeti a haircut! you cannot even hold it in your hand right.. then there is all the mud, roots sticking out.. nevertheless, they managed it. So I have to try it now!

Humbled by this new learning and leaving their house as though we had just been to the Twilight zone, came home and quickly went to Yoga class. Our hosts and my ever supportive family were laughing when I said "have to go yoga this evening" because they were not sure how much Yoga a guy can do after eating 3 pounds of rice with two lbs of Taro and some nice dessert to top things off. 

Still, off I went with the idea that if things got too difficult, would take a kneel. That is when the second surprise hit me. The instructor for the class was pregnant. Not early pregrant.. Her due date is less than 2 weeks away and this was her last class before delivery. 

Trust me, there is nothing more scary than a very pregant woman on the podium shouting "stretch you hands to the right, your knees to the left, come down and push, Push, PUSH!" 

and there is nothing more embarassing than you looking equally pregnant with Taro, unable to execute the PUSH instruction! 

When you have an instructor who is so inspiring, you have no excuses for slacking off. So after that, did the rest of the class giving it my 120%. That room was hot and there were 5 newbies in there who needed to be watched and she taught with as much attention to detail as any other teacher. Truly amazing and inspiring! If you need a visual, here she is in a class as student in another class earlier this week.

So there you have it.. Taro, pregnancy and learning.. all in a days routine! 

On a funny note, a conversation with Jr. earlier today:

Jr.: Appa I am sweaty. It is so hot in our bedroom. Can you put the fan on?

Me : really? (Touch her forehead and neck). yes! you are sweaty.. you know what that means?

Jr.: (thinks for a second) and goes "Oh NO! you are going to make me come to regular yoga class with you?! it is going to be 90 degrees for 90 mintues!"

Me : yes and no. Yes, because you can sweat now and that means you can come to yoga class with me. No because it is not 90 degrees for 90 minutes.. it is 105 degrees for 90 mintues.. welcome to the torture chamber!

She is thinking of finding other excuses to bail on the promise.. We will see about that!

Finally on stage

The little one, had figured out that doing any extracurricular activity like music, dance etc. is a lot of hard work and the rewards for going on stage are not proportional to the work. She could throw a tantrum for not being tall enough to get on the Harry Potter ride and get a game console. Compare that to working for a whole year and getting on some annual day program for which you get a new pencil or eraser.. it was no contest!

She pretty much said "No" without a second thought to any classes that invovled the word "practice". 

Recently though, her close friends were all roped in to do a school performance for the International festival. A fun looking Dandiya dance.. so we convinced her to go. In spite of missing many sessions with her flu, she made up for it by doing a nice job of dancing on stage. More than that, we now know the girl has moves. We did not know she could shake her hips like that or have such expressions.. 

Here is a picture taken by her teacher. We are truly blessed to live in a place where an International festival is organized where kids show culture and dancing from across the globe to their classmates. There were Kung fu demos by little kids that were simply amazing, Gangnam style dancing, Japanese dancing, Chinese dance, Persian songs, Bengali poetry.. it was refreshing to see this!

Now that she has been on stage, we told her "You are going to dance class" and before we finished the sentence the answer was "NO!".

Celebration weekend...

Thirteen years ago, this day saw a major turning point in our life. Got married to a girl I had just met!

While every astrologer worth his salt in south India had predicted that San and me will live a happy life for a long time to come and our parents were so sure of the future, we did not know what the future held for us. At least we had an open mind to things being unpredictable.

So far, it has been an interesting 13 years. We have grown to accept each other over time and yes, cannot imagine anyone else having the ability to put up with me the way she does. She was definitely given some special skills just to deal with me and we are destined to be together or at least that is what it feels like!

We usually do three things on our anniversary if we are here at home. A visit to the temple, lunch or dinner at Chat House in Sunnyvale and ice cream at Ghirardeli square in SFO and a visit to the golden gate vista point.

Today we started off with the temple visit but plans changed. It was a 107 degrees in Livermore and by the time we walked barefoot into the temple from the parking lot the oldies and the kids had a tough time recovering from the heat. So we took it easy, cancelled the ice cream trip and decided to eat closer to home as well.

With age comes some realizations and flexibility.

Tomorrow is fathers day. So to all the dads out there who are about to be suprised by their kids with trinkets, I wish you the ability to smile and rejoice at the gift. To the others, happy fathers day. This year my dad is with me and that is our gift. I am not big on the whole special days for different relatives thing. At the most it shows you how the world has moved to having one day at least in a year where you have to try something special for a certain relative when you should be doing that everyday anyways!

If my kids can promise to behave on fathers day, why not every day? One can always hope!

The little one was moping today because apparently she had made a special card for me and mom had thrown it in the garbage without realizing it was for me! Told her that the best fathers day gift for me is a kiss from my two girls. If not for them, I would not be a father, would I?

That logic seemed to work with her and she cheered up. My own gift this year for this weekend?

Varupayaru! "What the ?" is what is going through your mind. Will explain...

When we went to Seattle recently for the BIL/SIL's baby shower, as part of the ceremony they gave us all this snack which was mixed dry-roasted grains. It is a tradition and it is a good source of protein for the pregnant woman (and guessing if it is good for her it is good for everyone!).

It has nine grains in it. Tried to find out recipes for this and finally had to reach out to older relatives to get the recipe.

San was initially not for my cooking experiement with soaking grains, drying them and roasting them etc. because she thought this would be one huge waste of expensive raw material.. but she relented.

So here we are at step 2. The grains were all soaked in different vessels and now are nicely drying out on bounty towels. Tomorrow..... Roasting time!

Will let you know how it comes out. . .

Happy Fathers day to all who celebrate it. The rest of you who think every day should be fathers day.. well, dream on!