
Resistance is futile..

Had sent an email to both kids a few days ago after someone forwarded me this article on healthy food vs. unhealthy food.


My mail to the kids with the subject "Why I don't want you to eat outside" :


Dear (Jr. and LO),

please read this report.

outside food is not nutricious. lunchables, school lunches, packaged foods etc. are all bad.


Jr.'s reply :


Not true! You can eat out once in a while but never always!


Little One's reply :


appa it is kind of good to eat bad food then your body will get energy.



Obviously, they know everything and they also have an answer for everything.

We made the mistake of letting the kids pick what they want for snack time in school and that has slowly gone from granola bars and brownies to things called skinny cow, ding dongs (!?), Pirates booty !?

I am pretty much tired of fighting the system. My personal advertisement budget for health foods is not as good as these companies and I also don't have the equivalent time of a few hundred people marketing department.

No amount of effort in me packaging a banana or idly will appeal to these kids like the "ding dongs".

Jr. wanted popcorn. We have a popcorn maker at home. So I picked the bottle of popping corn the other day thinking "this is probably some genetically modfied stuff that will slowly turn into poison if left in her intestines.. but this is the best option in this aisle". She quickly insisted on putting that back and picking up the Orville Redenbacker Movie Theater butter flavored popcorn saying "Daddy, this one tastes good. I have had it in my friends place. We NEED this!"

That one had fat and sugar ratings (even if that was a conservative estimate to con consumers.. for who is to know if they are the real values given the type of money they spend to rig the system) were over the top.  I had to fight to get plain corn to pop!

The only good thing that was done? Told her that if she takes the box of things called "skinny cow" which was clever advertising but creates a fat kid in all probability, she has to buy some fruit. So she picked not fresh fruit, but Dole's pre packaged fruit bits in guess what ? Sugar syrup!

As a dad I feel frustrated trying to mandate these things in the house. Pretty soon we will have to start showing them what happens to folks who eat too much sugar with gory pictures and videos. 

We don't need North Korean nut jobs to threaten our country. We have our own guys who put these sugary processed foods on the shelves, threatening our very future. Our kids!

Things kids ask

Yesterday evening I picked up Jr. from school. Something I have not done in years. She knew that I was going to come home early (without knowing details) and she begged me to pick her up from school. As soon as she gets in the van she goes :

"Daddy, have you been talking to my friends parents about your job or something? One of my friends told me today that her mom said you were fired from your job.  Is that true?"

It has been a difficult week and all my friends and extended family know it. We did not talk about what happened at work in the house because it is a difficult topic to deal with in front of older parents who have health concerns and young kids who are very sensitive. San and me have talked about work out of house for the most part.

This was to be expected sooner or later though. Tough questions from parents and kids. The parents have backed off because they know that my philosophy is to move on and focus on "what next?" and they also know that I have options to decide on within a few days. They had concern written large on their faces and asked a hundred questions an hour because they are from a different place and time.

The kids though are a different story. So gave her an instant crash course (with the little one listening in) on the difference between

- getting fired

- being part of a Reduction In Force and

- the entire workplace shutting down

Told her that what happened to daddy was that the entire place closed. She seemed to get it and was also happy to know that daddy will be working in a new office soon.

Then the questions diverted to

"Will you have a whiteboard in your office with color markers like you do now?"

"Where will you work?"

"Do you still have to go to Austin?" etc. etc.

Anyday, more fun questions to answer. The trick to handling such questions is to be prepared for them and show that you are okay with those questions. Fortunately for me, parents had prepped me to smile and answer these questions a good two days before Jr. came in with hers.

This weekend is being spent with family with little things to do in and around the house. Have not done Yoga since last Sunday and I am seriously thinking of doing back to back classes and see if I can survive 3 hours in the hot room in one go! Know that some folks do it.

Have done a lot of talking over the last 7 days to the point where even when I have my mouth closed, can hear my brain literally race away with thoughts in different directions.

I also cried on at least 5 occasions in the last two days saying goodbye to folks who worked with me for a long long time. San says "you are the only man I know who sheds tears".. Maybe I am not man enough.. maybe this has nothing to do with manliness. Did not bother to explain to her.

Just going with the flow.. and that means tears as well.

Now that goodbyes have been said and we all have ensured that we have ways to keep in touch, the focus is on the future.

The last two days reminded me of the last two days of high school, the last two days before graduation where you know that all your friends are going to scatter far and wide and you have high hopes of all of them doing well wheverever they go!

The next set of questions start now.. "Will we still have a birthday party this year?"

My darlings, I know you read this blog when you come back from school and guess what?

"You absolutely will!"

No thank you

Yesterday we went to a friends house for lunch. I dozed off on the couch in the middle of a conversation and while it is a big "no no" they understood that yours truly had a hectic work week and they let me stay in that state till the snoring got to disturb the conversation (or so I am told). One is lucky to have friends who will let you doze off like that...

Then my friend tells me when I wake up

"When I saw your head after your dozed off, realized that you are balding rapidly. Two months ago at my sons birthday party you had more hair!"

Me : I am not the same guy from 15 years ago when we met.. things are different. Age has caught up with me..or at least my hair. Well, don't care anymore!

Then we come home.. kids go to a birthday party and when they come home the little one does her usual lovey dovey cozying up with daddy who happens to be wearing his white baniyan only and says

"Daddy you have more hair in your kashki(armpit) than your head! Wish you could take some of that hair and put it on your head!"

Me : No thanks. Why are you so worried about my hair when I myself am not?

LO : I am used to seeing you with hair and now it is going away. How come thatha(grandpa) has more hair than you?

Me : Well Thatha was a difficult man to deal with when he was my age. So all the people who dealt with Thatha lost their hair from the stress. That is how Thatha still has his hair and I don't.

Now of course grandma hears this and is caught between defending her hubby or her son. So I quickly divert the conversation to the one topic that is worse than Thatha's hair.. my own hair.

It is only a question of time before I am going to start growing it long and put a pony tail with what is left on what will be called the "ring of fire" a narrow band that goes from ear to ear on the back which is the only area with any reasonable density of hair.

It is just hair..instead of saying "Please let it grow!" telling my inner self something different.

It is just hair..Let it go Sundar.. Let it go!