The last 5 days saw what was definitely our best National Park trip in recent memory. The family got Daddy Narayanan a L series wide angle lens and a Neutral Density filter kit and volunteered to walk behind for pictures in heat and cold, on dry desert beds to badwater wetlands at the Death Valley National Park.
In the middle of this trip which spanned almost 1600 miles of driving over the five days, an important milestone was reached. Daddy turned 40!
We had a great time driving to and from the park as well as seeing some amazing views.
When everyone was wishing daddy on his birthday, we happened to be at the sand dunes.
When daddy Narayanan looked up to catch the dunes he saw an almost unbelievable site. A beautiful woman that very closely resembled his wife was looking down at him with a beatific smile..
"We are in the middle of the desert and it is freaking hot.. Could this be... a mirage?" he thought to himself and clicked away. To his surprise the smile stayed through that day and the next and the next.. and it changed into the stare and frown only after reaching back home and Daddy declared that he had caught a stomach bug!
Now life is back to normal again.. Daddy is still as immature as ever and the magic day that had such hopes of turning dad into some kind of older mature person having ended, the usual routine continues.
Death Valley was totally worth the drive and the Cousin family made it all the more exciting!
Have been hiccuping for 8 hours now with no end in sight. These four photos are the only ones I managed to edit yesterday. The other 3000+ have to wait a few weeks.
The trail through Golden Canyon, aptly named!
The beautiful Kern river that runs along the freeway 178 on our way to Death Valley..
Darwin falls in the middle of a desert reached after a 1.5 mile hike. Truly spectacular!
Thanks to everyone for wishing me a happy 40th. Your wishes and prayers were definitely answered !