all part of life

Old world charm that still exists today - Prague

The previous post in this series is here..

We reached Prague by train late in the night. It was past 11PM. The train station area was desolate. We asked the group of students who were in our coach on where the Uber pickup point was and they said “you can just go to any side of the station and wait near the steps. It is safe!” . So we got an Uber and went to the Michelangelo grand hotel. It was dark and we did not get our bearings and I could not appreciate the place late at night. The two employees smoking right outside the doorway was not a welcome sight. Then we went in and breathed a sigh of relief. There was no smoke smell inside. The folks were nice and gave us water bottles to take to our room. It was time to go and crash.

We woke up in the morning and I realized San had booked an amazing place. It was a top class hotel. There was a desi restaurant right outside the hotel which was a bonus. Apparently we were very close to the Kafka’s head landmark (literally a few hundred feet). Our hotel used to be a TV broadcasting and famous radio station landmark at one point. The hotel itself had a rich history. The roads in this area are all paved with stones from hundreds of years ago. very few roads have car access. We walked to a main road to get an Uber as we had to get to a pickup point. I still don’t remember what we ate for breakfast that day or if we ate anything at all. One thing we did have everywhere was Wagh Bakri instant ginger Chai. I would wake up and make tea and that would keep us going!

We met the rest of the group for our group Viator tour of Prague. It was supposed to be an all day tour which ended in a boat ride. Prague was too beautiful and the day we spent there was magical. It was like being in a real life adult Disneyland ! Most of what we saw was built in the 1300-1400 AD time frame. I just went nuts clicking away. This day has so many photos and videos that everything will be broken into three parts.

Our guide who was an intense man with 30+ years experience as a tour guide and driver for the rich and famous in Prague, took his job very very seriously. He was a school principal and drill master rolled into one. We made friends with everyone in the group. Our morning was a drive in the van to see things while he took the mic and explained things. We got to take photos from the window.. It was a long history lesson.

Then we went to a hilly area to walk around behind the castle. There was an old church with a bell that had a fancy chime. So we stopped there for a few minutes and walked through this old town area. Eventually we cut across the moat that was built for the castle and walked into the castle complex. We got to see the magnificent church from all its sides, see the parliament area, the place where foreign dignitaries visit (he even showed us the steps on which Indira Gandhi walked down) and made our way out for a long walk to the Charles bridge.

We had spent a good 2 1/2 hours in this. The pictures and videos might not do justice to the experience.. so I am just posting them as galleries here.. San became good friends with this world traveler lady in our group.. she had just come from where were planning to go next and was full of tips!

There are more pictures.. lots of them.. for once I am mixing photos of buildings with photos of people. This was the best part of our trip so far. So feels not fair to keep it brief. The sights will stay in my head forever.. especially watching San be a kid again and spin around in her frock like a princess.. that makes me smile even now as I type this!

If you are thinking of a romantic place to go with your spouse for a 25th anniversary.. cut out everything else and just spend three or four days in Prague! Strongly recomended!

After exiting the castle area we were to walk to the Charles bridge.

A video highlight of the tour till this point..

That in the next post..

Vienna - a sampler visit

The previous post in this series is here

We left Budapest by train and reached Vienna later that evening after an almost 3 hour journey. We watched a glorious sunset on the way. The first order of business after reaching Vienna was to move our return to a later train. There was no way we were going to do every stop on the bus tour in Vienna and be back to pick up luggage at hotel and come back for a 5PM train the next day to leave Vienna. So we found the ticket place and moved to a 7PM train. We also paid extra to get a first class ticket. We were celebrating our 25th anniversary and after a very short discussion we both agreed that the extra money for losing the earlier ticket and getting new tickets was worth it. We were tired and running around all day. So why not get the extra leg room!

Once that was taken care of, we walked out of the massive train station wondering how long the walk was going to be to the hotel and would we find anything to eat. Just as I was about to pray to Lord Ganesha to give us some food, lo and behold, he was staring at me in the face in what appeared to be a psychedelic dream!

We got some naan, daal and rice to go and walked to our hotel which was 4 blocks away. The roads we walked on were deserted but the hotel MOOONS (with 3 O’s) was very nice. The staff were courteous and helpful. We told them we are going to crash, wake up, check out and leave luggage there and will pick it up later that evening and be off. It was going to be a day in Vienna. The receptionist said “I am not sure you can see what Vienna has to offer in a day!”. We told her “we will at least see all the main spots from the outside and get a feel for the city. If and when we come back, it will be great!”

The room was nice and the breakfast spread was great. We walked a half mile to get an Uber to the first stop of what would be an all day hop on hop off bus tour of Vienna.

We covered every place there was in this bus tour. There was no time to go into the museums. We did get tickets and go into the main palace and we walked with a self guided tour and finished it in under an hour.

There is a Public service warning to tired guys like me. There is two routes on the bus tour map. A Blue Bus tour and a Red bus tour. Here is the kicker. ALL THE BUSES ARE PAINTED RED OUTSIDE. IT ONLY SAYS BLUE OR RED LINE IN A SMALL INSET IN THE FRONT OF THE BUS!!!”. At one point we got off at a stop and when we came back I boarded a red bus (they are all red, duh, except I didn’t know it) and we were on the blue route. This cost us 30 precious minutes on a busy day. The buses also don’t operate like clockwork. There are more red than blue line buses and we waited for 45 minutes at one stop. We complained to the representative at the end, not that it made a difference. We took Ubers at two spots to go from one stop to another just to save time. Hindsight being 20/20, maybe we could have Uber’ed more.

There were lot of pictures from Vienna. It has taken me ages to process and select them.

This is what “happiness” looks like!

here are two galleries in portrait and landscape format.

A few Panos..

In the middle of the tour we realized that one of the stops was the train station! so some good happened out of that bus mixup. We changed our plan. There was an Indian restaurant a 10 minute walk from one of the stops. We would finish seeing everything important, go there for a late lunch (we found they were open.. again Lord Ganesha came to feed us), then get back on the bus and finish the rest of the stops and on the last bus get out at the train station. We rush to the hotel to pick up our suitcases and run back to catch our train!

My wife is brilliant. When she said it out loud, I thought she was crazy but I love it when she goes nuts like this. A million things can go wrong on such a tight plan, but surprisingly nothing did. We did exactly as we planned in-spite of losing 45 minutes at the last stop before lunch. There was some running from the Hotel back to the train station with the carry on baggage, but we had a good 15 minutes to spare before the train showed up!

Then we were off to the next stop.. we got treated to yet another amazing sunset. The ticket upgrade was totally worth it. They served us hot cocoa every hour ! We left Vienna with a smile on our faces!

A video highlight reel of the day in Vienna….

Did everything we wanted to in a day!

One of our biggest takeaways from visiting Vienna was the change a single woman leader brought, not just to this country but to Europe at large by getting girls and women qualified and into the workforce and giving them equality. Maria Theresa did wonders for the world! We have a lot to learn from history!

Red Tail trail to Arastradero Lake

This weekend we hiked to a place that we have missed all these years. Right here in Palo Alto there is the Enid Pearson Arastradero Preserve with 10+ miles of trails and a cute and beautiful lake in the middle of it.

We also happened to pick a beautiful morning to hike here. The skies were just lit yesterday!! The sunbeams and purple clouds were a treat to the eyes!

There were lots of benches in the park..

that is probably our most beautiful “bench photo” to date ! The rest from this trail are here.. including a few cheesy ones of us making a heart. I was upset with San on the way to the park.. so our friends were giving me a hard time for being so finicky.. At times my OCD tendencies get the better of me. She is my world and I cannot stay mad at her for more than 3 minutes tops. At this point I am pretty much her pet dog or something like that.. <vent>still one needs to fold all other fingers in when making the heart and it has to be presented parallel to the plane of the camera.. </vent"> (that should be a legit html tag!)

Not possible to be angry with this one..

A few vertical shots of this lake..

A gallery of pictures of the beautiful skies and landscapes from the days hike.. We hiked only 6 miles as I had to do some unplanned last minute singing with the local Smule group! It was a packed day of activities for a regular saturday!

Surprisingly did not take any videoclips on this hike!

We will definitely revisit this place and cover the few trails that we missed within this park. The bay area is just amazing. There are still a lot of trails we haven’t hiked, given we hike new trails all the time.

Every year there is a well planned long grand hike. Last years highlight was the grand canyon! Hoping this years grand hike will be something to write about!