
The posing continues

Jr. wore a red tie to her music performance today. Apparently the boys all got to wear the tie but some of the girls decided to wear the ties too and take pictures.

She did pose for me!

As for the performance itself, I have no idea how it went. Hopefully some other parent will send us a video.

ps. My bug is almost gone. Been on the mend three days in a row. 



Finally, the Photos..

Having promised photos of the improved me for the last three months, we finally had a breakthrough today..

a. We just came back from class at 10
b. It was hot outside and we were still flexible after the class
c. MIL decided to help me with the photographing considering San has been against this post and idea from the get go..

Again, you have to realize that there are two ordinary people in the photos, but we looked a lot worse before starting yoga! MIL has lost 30+ lbs, I have lost 15 lbs in the last 100 days. We have both reduced a lot of weight in the tummy, thigh area and our shoulders, arms and calves have become a lot stronger!

There was a big big tummy that spread out like North America on the world map.. it has now gone. There is now a dimple(?!) in its place on either side of the stomach... Just wish it would stay here and not expand again..

This is why it was so difficult to get the pictures with a self timer. . you want good focus, with a zoom lens and sometimes.. you just miss your suject and get a nice picture of the fence!

But you get the idea!

It was not a good idea to put the mat on the grass and take pictures because we were not on firm ground, but there had to be come optimization between posing and good photos..

If my waistline improves any further or my muscle tone gets better over time, will post photos in another three months..

The real achiever here is the MIL. She has been tenacious and in her third week she still could not sit down with her knees bent and her butt on the floor between her knees... Now she just eases into it!


Yogagraphy - not easy

Having promised pictures of the new me, we tried to do a little photo shoot in the evening. The little one finally managed to give me a cold yesterday. This morning for the first time in 65 days daddy Narayanan felt "sick". There was cold and a sore throat, a lost voice, balls of phelgm and no sense of smell or taste.

Then again, when you are in a room set to 105 F and 40% humidity, a body temperature of a 100 F is < 105 F. Using such supreme logic, went on to do Bikram Yoga today (with MIL of course), much against the overall family recommendation for me to stay home.

Well, 90 minutes and a lot of sweat later, the voice was back, the throat was open and the sense of taste and smell were back. Rested the rest of the afternoon and now feel tired but looks like I have beat the virus.

Trying to setup the camera and lights to take pictures (with Jr. doing the focus on self timer shots) proved to be very difficult.

Did take pictures with Jr. and the little one as test subjects. All I wanted was for them to go stand where my head was going to be in the photos. They did more than that and imitated yoga poses...

Kids are a lot more flexible than adults. They could pull this off so easily. The little one lost her balance and made a funny face, but it was hilarious watching her try to balance on one leg!

Will need some assistance from San or BB to make my next attempt to get pictures of the improved me..

Till then, you just have to take my word for it!
