
A polarized world

The last two months have been very depressing. Lots of work, travel recovery, news in general, a busier schedule for the kids as school and all their extra curriculars start off full swing and all these made the bags under the eyes more pronounced and dropped my energy level to an all time low. 

It became noticeable to the point where wife and kids pushed me out of the house and said "why don't you go to yoga class?" That was a clear signal that something was way off. They said that at least for an hour after coming home I was a little chirpy. (that used to be 4 hours after coming home!). Got a doctors appointment last week and told my doctor "wife and kids are saying I am moping around all the time and my energy level or interest level in anything and everything is going down rapidly".

The doctor said I was physically very fit. My blood pressure was excellent as was my blood oxygen level. A blood test for a bunch of things was checked off to see if there are issues related to metabolism etc. etc. While I did not understand the jargon, went for the test and got the results. Turns out my Vitamin D levels are off the charts this time on the low side and that is directly related to being depressed. I did have the same issue three years ago but it was low, not this low. 

Going to walk in the sun at least for an hour with short sleeve shirts or no shirt if possible every day, take prescription Vitamin D and check again in few months. That takes care of one part of the problem.

The kids extra curricular schedule has been juggled to the best of our ability, some classes have stopped, others combined to multitask with groceries, yoga class drives, conference calls that can be done while driving long distance to drop kids off in class etc. etc. That will hopefully help in the coming months

The last part is the "news". I interact with "news" once in the morning and evening listening to NPR during work and home drives. Check google news headlines once during lunch and the rest of it is from watching Daily show or Colbert report (now watching previous nights show online at dinner time of Trevor and Colbert's shows). Also watch John Olivers Sunday show on one of the weekday nights at dinner time.  Everything I hear in those interactions is downright depressing. 

It almost appears as though the sane folks have lost their voice and the extreme loonies are the only ones left screaming from the rooftops. 

Forget the war on drugs and the war on terror. My opinion is that there is a war on facts and data right now. Have a lot of data points that say it is not just opinion, but a fact.

There is a lot of fear mongering out there which is pitting people against people on almost every issue. 

You turn on the news and it is all about Immigrants, refugees, war, weapons and discrimination. Some of it is not even news. It is a bunch of folks peddling outright misinformation on national channels. How they are able to do this with impunity with no consequence is beyond me. They should be prosecuted for hate crimes and treason because the misinformation they propagate is actually not in the interest of the country or the people watching them.

Having lacked Vitamin D and being lost in thought all the time, one thing keeps recurring. The basic ability to put oneself in another's shoes seems to have become a rarity. The people who do not have the ability to reason out things seem to have a louder voice than the folks who can ask the repeated "why?" and dig down deeper. 

How do you reason with the unreasonable? That is a tough one. 

Had a long rant of a post on faith vs. religion and what is going on in the US and India with all the Islamophobia and if there will be any reprieve for the folks in the middle east. It was about how poor muslims and sectarian minorities in local geographic areas get screwed over by richer muslims or western countries. The post in itself was so depressing to read that I deleted it. 

There are still a lot of good people in this world that can move it forward. Working on raising two that will hopefully join that category. First thing to work on is to teach them that faith in something (preferably themselves) is a good thing. Next thing to work on is to teach them that religion is a crutch not an asset. Think they are already on the right path on some things but they are fanatical about Apple. So have to wean them off of that. 

Enough with the rant. Onwards we move.. and to post something positive to make up for all this negativity...

Today I learned the difference between having your "chin touch your shoulder" vs. "cheek touch your shoulder" and what a big difference it makes! A post on that later.

What has happened to Google news?

Was a big fan of google news. Yes, it is now in past tense.

Seriously, the first time I had clicked on the News link when it was there, I was hooked.

You got world news on top. You almost clicked the news button on top and what you were looking for was usually the number 1 link.. right there as though they read your mind!

You could also scroll down just half a page and fast flip links to things that interest you!

Now, it is all messed up. You get local weather which we don't need google to tell us. Based on searching (through google) looks like the changes are permanent and there is no plan to give an option to revert back to the old settings! Apparently that is to help the user!!

Local news which we usually don't care about.

Taking off any flexibility of even seeing what you want in a format you want, all in the name of personalization.

Why did Google do this?

Did they ever ask folks in the top of the news page "Are you happy with Google news? do you want any changes? Do you want us to be more like Bing news or Yahoo news? If we copied those pages would you still read Google news?"

etc. etc. and my bet is the answer would have been "do not mess with this product" from most folks who read it.

Why Google? Why?

Why would a company that was doing a lot of things right now doing a lot of things wrong?

The mess with Buzz, now the mess with News?

Do you hire too many people from Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook recently?


Life sentence - for a long life

A guy receives a life sentence for 1,152 years in a US court.

(no, I checked. It is not a typo. the sentence is for 1,152 years)

He killed a sports person. He was found guilty. Now he has this sentence.

Couple of questions in all seriousness.

a. How does one calculate the 1,152 number?

b. Why cannot they truncate it to "life sentence" ie.,as long as he is alive.

c. What if he lives past 1,153 years. He will be set free?

d. What does it say about the people who gave out the sentence and their sanity in the first place?

e. If you are a judge and you read this sentence out aloud "he is hereby sentenced to a life sentence of one thousand one hundred and fifty two years in prison", do you go !!!!????

f. If you are a taxpayer and your next 23 generations (assuming increasing life expectancy, a couple of world wars, global catastrophes in between over the next millennia) have been committed by this judge to feeding this dude, will you go ???!!!

g. what about the family of the dead sportsman. will they be happier that this guy is locked up for a long long long time?

h. Is there any sanity left in our news these days?

i. are we supposed to look for the crazy side of news articles to get a healthy disregard for news in general?

Look at news like this..

god knows what I have been giving to Jr. and the little one in the name of Tylenol and Motrin.. It does get fever down fast.. but.. recalled as of the news 42 minutes ago!

or the new found revelation that powerpoint is bad for presentations. duh?

or this news where an employer fired an employee after she goes through surgery to reduce her health risk.. another duh as of 10 hours ago

and much much more..

just read the news headlines on google, yahoo, etc. and you start thinking that Sun News wasn't that bad after all...
