kriya yoga

Knowledge is power.. looks like it!

This post may not make sense without a preview.

Almost two years ago, after realizing that the whole object of the physical aspect of Yoga, was to condition the mind to do better things, had tried a few meditation experiments which had weird side effects!

You can read about them here..

This blog is not new to my thoughts on Knowledge, higher learning and how it links to the way I was raised etc.

Recently, in an attempt to know more about the meditative aspect of Yoga, yours truly stumbled on a video link on Youtube, where Sadhguru a self realized mystic, talks about meditation, spirituality etc. It was an hour long talk recorded at Dartmouth.

Since watching that video, there was a wish to meet Sadhguru in person. Last month, we saw a booth at a local Indian festival where Sadhguru's organization "Isha" gave us a flyer that anounced his bay area visit will include a three day lecture on Inner engineering and also teach the "Shambhavi Mahamudhra" for all the attendees who make it to the last day.

This happened to be on the weekend of the Navarathri festival. After a lot of negotiating with Sangeetha and the kids, they agreed that I should go, because it had been a wish for quite a few months at that point. So off I went to meet Sadhguru and missed Saraswati pooja and Vijayadasami.

Sadhguru was as charming in person, as he was in the Youtube videos. He mostly spoke of common sense things, which we all know deep down but refuse to see head on! At least, that was my take on it.

The 2 1/2 day event was from Friday 5PM-9PM, Saturday 8AM to 7PM and Sunday 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM. Friday was a long talk by the mystic. Most of Saturday was spent on teaching folks preparatory exercises to get the spine in some shape, as well as the breathing to some sense of control before the Mahamudra was to be attempted. He taught the Shambhavi Mahamudra as the grand finale on Sunday. 

There were lot of breaks, good music and some dancing to keep the participants engaged on Saturday and Sunday, so that the food they ate made it past their stomach, before more exercise could be tried. It was a relaxing weekend for a lot of selfish reasons. For some strange reason I got visions of staring at snow out of a Days Inn window in Bloomington, Minnesotta after sitting in the same spot for a good hour listenting to Sadhguru talk.

Here was my take from the whole event.  I am going to review this, the way any "event" or "movie" has been reviewed in this blog. It was exactly that, if you looked at it as a participant in a self help workshop that my former employers have sent me to in the past. Be it a speed reading course, precision questioning and answering course or an interpersonal skills training management workshop, or for that matter a Hatha Yoga all day workshop aka Posture clinic, at the end of the day, you come out with some critical takeaways on how to do something and know what works and what doesn't!

First, the good part!

All those side effects I had experienced when trying to do something along the lines of Shambhavi, by following other Online Yogis, was to be expected! The white lights, the blinding flashes in the point 1/2 inch above the spot between my eyes on the forehead, body going through froglike convulsions, tears flowing on their own etc. wer okay and nothing to be scared of! My body experienced happiness and clam and these were initial physical manifestations of that and nothing more.

There are different teachers who have their own methodology for getting you to do this. Some folks ask you to lock your breath in after doing a series of breathing exercises (called Pranayaamas which literally means "to elongate the breath"), some make you do it while attempting to disengage all sensory organs and some folks expect you to just jump up like frogs to get you kick started into a "state of happiness".  Think of the last one as starting a car and then giving it some gas vs. pushing a car down a ramp and sparking the enginer. As long as the sparking and the movement overlap within a short time, you get to go places! 

The good news is that now I know one safe and tested way to do this meditation. So far it is working, as far as calming me down. It works especially if you do it after a 90 minute Bikram Yoga session, where your body is literally in pieces and your breath is clam after the class. Sadhguru referred to this as "Accumulating Ojas" or "Stealing from the earth". Have been doing this "garnering Ojas" exericse once a day and will continue to do it on a regular basis whenever I finish a Bikram Yoga class, travel permitting.

To express it in my own nerdy way, it is like formatting a section of my hard drive which has a lot of garbage files in it. The breathing and meditative part of the 21 minute routine (which is like a 11 mintue sub-routine) cleans up the head nicely of thoughts, positive or negative. It is a brain reboot of sorts. I am reasonably sure that western science will catch up to this and find out eventually which part of the brain gets a flood of oxygen and is subsequently starved of oxygen to get this whitewash effect. I will volunteer to be a subject on this study as well. 

Also learned a few interesting tidbits of information from Sadhguru during his two hour long informal talks to keep the audience engaged. Facts do not make knowledge but intellgience does, and Sadhguru seems to follow that. Nevertheless, there were lot of facts.  Some of those were :

- The three primary sounds are Aaa Oooo and Mmmm which are the only sounds you can make without a tongue. All other sounds are made of combining these three sounds just like all colors are made of primary colors. This is why AUM has a symbolic representation and is chanted in India as part or meditative practice. It is distored to OM in South India and that makes us forget the significance of Aaaoooommm!

- There is a reason why the number 108 is used in counting repetitive manthras and chants. The ratio of the distance from the Sun to the diameter of the Sun, ratio of distance from Moon to diameter of Moon are both 108! I did verify this to be a true fact and surprisingly it was never mentioned in any of my science or math classes. Still do not know if the 108 was to remind us of some astronomical facts or there was more to it but it was interesting. I tried to do a spreadsheet with distances of planets to the earth and their diameters to see other patterns and did not find any. So this was all the more of an interesting coincidence that people 4000 years ago had figured this out without modern day telescopes.

- There are certain foods that help you when you meditate and some that deter you. Now this part I could figure out by myself while doing Bikram Yoga. Having food allergies and doing my own tests to instinctively avoid foods that caused my breathing to deteriorate, had helped figure this out. Most of what he said in this part of the talk had already been put in place at home. 

So that was the good part. 

Now for the sad part!

With every person who achieves something special in his/her field, be it a movie star, a world famous scientist, a religious or spiritual guru, certain things seem to be inevitable!

First, the person ends up becoming a public figure, if he/she proliferates a message to a wider audience.

Next, they cannot do this alone. The thing doesn't scale without a pyramid scheme of sorts.

This is usually followed by an organization that is built around the person or the message.

Finally this organization then takes on a life of its own.

The seed that grew into a banyan tree is now taken over by many creatures and at some point what seemed to be a nice small tree that miraculously sprung forth from the seed, is now spanning hundreds of square meters and has rotting branches in places, that coexists with birds, critters and people who come to enjoy the shade. 

Be it a rabid SRK fan club, a bunch of scientists who hang on to some all time great's papers and research even if it violates the very principle of what true scientific enquiry is all about, the Crusaders, Jihadists or Hindu militia, they have a similar issue.  

When anyone who gets enlightenment (you can even take this down a notch and say accomplishes something extraordinary) wants to show you the light by holding it up, there are three types of interactions with that light. There are those who want to see the path the light illuminates and use it to go places. There are those who do not want the light and they go hide in darker places.  Last but not least, there are the moths! They are fatally attracted to the light and don't get anywhere. 

This phenomena is not restricted to godmen or spiritual leaders. Have seen this happen to athesists. A former TamilNadu Chief Minister and long time poet, scholar, screen writer and politician has my respect because he talked about believing in oneself and not in god. His ardent followers decided to call him "a god" at which point I shook my head and said "they will never learn"! It is not a problem with the concept or the person. It is a problem of scalability of any message and all the issues that come with it.

The crowd at the event, seemed to be low on IQ. There was a lot of "ooh"ing and "aah"ing at things that were not exactly "ooh" and "aah" worthy! Maybe I am not used to moving in such a crowd that is so bereft of any knowledge, that little things seem like a big deal to them. 

There was also another aspect of the event that was a little annoying. There were two messages that were repeated multiple times over the event. First,  "you are all not smart enough to know beyond this.. so just do as I say and you will be happy" followed by, "this is top secret stuff and in the wrong hands it will be devastating. This method has been dumbed down to reach folks like you so beware and behold.. " , talk that was simply insulting. Then again, maybe it was a good thing, given that the crowd was actually soaking that in! 

There is only one thing that is worse than organized religion and that is organized spirituality!

Spirituality transcends religion. We all have a body that is give or take the same and a mind that is capable of doing similar things. If this was an exercise in achieving one's full potential with this body and mind, there are many ways to get there with the end result being the same. This is one other map to the same destination with its milemarkers clearly defined and that is all there is to it!

Sadhguru is genuine when he talks about the body, mind and spirit. He has a higher intelligence which on a personal basis he is able to apply. 

There are places where he does blur concepts from Hinduism into spirituality which was okay by me, because Hinduism is not defined the way other religions are. It is open ended to the point I have created a god for "first silicon" and I pray to it in my own way. At some point I plan to get enough money to build a temple for the supreme godess "Siliconeshwari" somewhere in Silicon Valley with an idol made of pure undoped Silicon. Devotees need not worry, as there will be brances in Austin, Portland, New York, Dresden, Shanghai, Taiwan, Singapore and Beijing, just to cover the prominent locations.

Any guru, self realized or otherwise, shoud not mock the people who come to learn something from him or her. I am told by many folks that Bikram Choudhury apparently does it in the teacher training sessions. So did Sadhguru. Maybe this is to appeal to the masochistic in the student to want to punish himself by going through a "tough" learning process? Maybe it is their way of playing to the inferiority complex in the "students"? I do not know. It did not feel good. 

Then again, there were too many moths that are attacted to Sadhguru's light. There are too many people who simply did not get the message. They were trying to buy spirituality at 100$ / hour and trying to transform themselves into spiritlandia by wearing bindis, chanting things they did not understand and wearing Rudhraksh garlands without understanding its significance.  Same things happen at Bikram Yoga class where I see folks on 40$ Yoga mats, paying 300$ for a three month membership and sitting in the last row on their mats watching others sweat it out over most of the 90 minute class. It takes a lot of hard work and sincere determination to effect any change in the body or mind, a fact in itself that is not something most folks realize or accept!

That was the bad part.

The whole thing could have been done in a day, but given the audience and the fact that he was trying to cover +/- 3 sigma in the distribution it was a tall order.  

It was a weekend well spent as I did do a lot of reflecting and focussing. Got to realize that there was no need to have been scared with those "side effects" in the past. If done right and regularly, this type of meditation works wonders for calming the mind. It was also good in another way.

I kept thinking "Are these people for real? These folks live around me? How could a person be in such a helpless state? Wow, these folks are really ignorant and they have no idea what they are talking about or gettin into!" etc. etc. There are lot of people around us who need help both physical and psychological and it is no easy task to help them.

How we help them is up to us, but help we must or looking the other way will come back and bite us. That part of Sadhguru's message was right on.  

On a final note... be aware of the moths!

Do Not try this at "Home"..

We are used to seeing this warning so often, be it product marketing or game show advertising.

Sometimes a book should come with that warning! When you read a book and practice something and it might cause you to have some mind bending experiences, that warning should apply.

Now why the emphasis on the "Home" part?

Well, some things are meant for people who are ready to give up their affiliations with familial ties and responsibilities of a social nature and can practically be isolated when it comes to emotions and thought. A person who is married with kids and is gainfully employed should not try certain things, or at least that is the conclusion I am coming to after doing some meditation exercises that started around the 22nd of December.

There are some meditation techniques that are combined with Asana practice (seems to work fine after Bikram Yoga sessions) that work, when it comes to realizing a certain inner calm or inward focus.

Some exercises reminded me of the minute I jumped on the cold water and floated out with a snorkel in Hawaii. There was a sudden silence, a stillness, and the blue waters and colorful corals 20 feet below me transported me to another world and for a brief few seconds I stopped breathing and then suddenly the calm gave way to my lungs going "need air, NOW!!" and I started kicking out frantically to get back to the boat! It took me some time to realize what had actually happened and was trying to internalize those moments for the next few days!

It was almost like what people describe when experiencing "water boarding". Sitting in a carpet in my bedroom in the dark, experienced a drowning sensation. You might ask "why would any sane person want to experience a sensation of water boarding at home?". There are somethings at are not described easily in words. So will not attempt to do that.

Recently have been working on sitting still in lotus pose for longer and longer times. Eight months ago it was 3 minutes tops. Last week could go for an hour easy. It takes a constant effort to just sit in lotus pose in the dark and be still.

Have also been able to filter out things which was scary. The body was fully conscious of things being said around me or even people moving around me. The brain was telling my body to get out of this position, but the body simply did not react. Just disobeyed and acted disconnected. That kind of spooked me and the MIL. So she advised me to stop these meditation attempts. Apparently the kids sensed Daddy was going through periods of extreme calm and extreme trigger happiness and it was obvious to them but not to me!

There have also been a lot of thoughts recently that simply steer me towards making a clean break from everything in my life and go sit in one place and focus. The wife clearly said "Hell NO!". Wherever you go, we follow. Isolation is not an option for you. So that experiment will have to wait till after retirement, whenever that might be!

After doing a bunch of these meditative attempts, went and read forums and found a common theme.

Do NOT try this at HOME! and do NOT try this without a Guru to teach you how to control the way the body reacts when you attempt to control your mind.

For now, the experiments have stopped. Going to focus only on the "breath working with the body" to execute the Asanas in 90 minutes and leave it there. My wife and kids at one point thought I was simply going "nuts" which is the easiest way of rationalization for someone who does not believe or cannot comprehend any experiment.

Kind of gave me a glimpse into why any Yogic practice is branded as "mystic" or "magic" or "hocus pocus".

All this started because there was a Yoga forum where it was mentioned :

"Beginner Yogis focus on the heat, sweating and the instructor..
Intermediate Yogis focus on perfecting the Postures by entering and exiting them correctly and holding the poses for longer times
Advanced Yogis focus on the breath synchronizing with the postures. It is a 90 minute breathing exercise with a few asanas thrown in to distract you!"

This is actually true! Once you know that you can enter and exit the poses right, you realize that to do this with less effort, your breath has to co-operate and it does not sync with the body movements. One wrong inhale or exhale makes you stop and catch your breath so you can move on.

Just like the first time you learn to balance on a bicycle, go on roller blades or the first time you learn to float in water you panic and then calm down, the same thing happens while executing Yoga poses although you are standing on a mat or sitting on one. Once you calm down, it is possible to do wonders with the same body that simply failed you a few minutes ago...

This realization naturally sent me searching for breath control methods and some experimentation and seems to have some side effects. Had the side effects been prominently mentioned in the books and videos, would not have tried it.

Very much have my sanity and will experiment more carefully with my mind going forward, if at all!
