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100th Post - Video Blog !!

It is really my 100th post !!When I started blogging, I was not sure that I would keep doing this. But a lot of people have encouraged me to share thoughts, humor, photos, etc. and I am really happy that I started blogging !!

To celebrate this event, I have spent two freaking hours trying to do a Video blog.

It should be easier to do a video blog.. the current method is tooooo painful!

I really hope you guys enjoy it !!

Click on the thumbnail to play video (should be able to play with windows media player !)...

Once again, thanks to all the visitors for keeping me going !!

Thanks to Freevlog, Internet Archives and Ourmedia.org for making this post possible !!


Fast and Furious -Photo Blog

No one believed me when I said the first one broke my nose when she was a few months old. The second one has been caught on camera !!


How to raise your Child - A lesson !!

Todays parent is increasingly concerned with raising the child from infancy to the time he or she becomes a teenager.

The average parent's focus is on bring up your child to be

1. secular (or at least more tolerant towards other religions)
2. not a racist
3. technology friendly
4. social

etc. etc.

We raised our first one very techno friendly and the results are showing already!!

The same approach is being used to for the second one..

You have to give them a strong "foundation" ..

We are raising our second on the pillars of a solid foundation ..

Dont get it.. think Java, Computer Fundamentals, TCP/IP...

Next week we will raise her on C++, Pascal and HTML !!At this rate, the kid should be a geek before she walks..


Camouflage - Photo blog

Went to the backyard and almost stepped on this little guy !!

Was nicely hidden and basking in the sun !!


The real star of the show !

(this post edited from original)

In all the hustle and bustle of the last week, the real star was not mentioned much..

The real star was my wife. Thanks to all your prayers, she is safe and happy..

A note on photo:
Removed the photograph of my wife coming in with our new daughter on her request. think it is fair.. should get her permission before I post her photos.

A note on names, Date of birth : I have emailed bloggers who frequent this site, the names or DOB (if asked). If I have not mailed this info to you, it is because I dont have any email address for you. Narayanan Sir already pointed out that you can go to a site called zabasearch and get all information on anyone and everyone.. but why make it easier for Phishers by giving out the details.. let them take that extra effort and spend the $14.99 if they really are after the info !!