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More Buildup for Thennavan..

Most of you know that I have been a big fan of Mukundan's blog. He goes by the blog name thennavan..

We go back long ways, lets say 11 years, since grad school days in Philadelphia.

Recently he posted a comment in my blog bragging about his own weight being on target in spite of his height ..

In tamil, there is a phrase "Vendha Punnula Vel Paichcharadhu"

literal translation " third degree burn, spear, poke" .. this is along the lines of

Rubbing salt in your wound
Adding insult to injury etc.. etc..

Considering that he got a lot of image building by his other blogger buddies, and also considering that I am not working today (company leave!), I had enough time on my hands to do some more build up for this guy..

I have taken the liberty of designing a business card for your beloved blogger..

Of course, you can all guess what VPVP technologies stands for..


Sympathetic Weight gain !!

Most of you have probably heard this phrase. It refers to the husband of pregnant women putting on weight !

Today, I purchased a brand new digital weighing scale. This scale is so smart that it remembers your last weight measurement, shows you body mass index (if you program in your height) and also tells you if you are overweight or underweight !!

Now, scary as it is , here is my readout !!

This smart weighing scale has declared that I am overweight in a nice 12 point Bold Font !!

Why did this happen to me ? I used to be a 140 lb guy before my wife's pregnancy. When she got pregnant and got all those cravings, we frequented all the local bay area restaurants (special mention has to be made of all the Indian ones which put extra butter and ghee and to olive garden!), order a lot of stuff and then realize that her stomach is too full too soon !

To top things off, the wife always forgets to carry a purse since her loose fitting Indian clothes dont go well with her purse, and that means yours truly always gets the bill paying experience. My conscience always fights my body when it comes to wasting all that good food, especially after I see the bill. So, I end up eating all the stuff that is left. Little wonder then that I added a nice 17 lbs compared to my wifes 27 lbs on the day of delivery.

Now that the C-section is done and she is getting back to normal, she is losing weight faster than me and I actually look like I am pregnant now !

There has got to be a law against this people !! Husbands should be allowed a free lyposuction (tummy tuck) the day before the wife's C-section as part of health insurance. I am planning to collect a million signatures from sympathetic weight gain husbands so this can go on Arnolds next ballot measure !!

Please support this overweight husband in this cause !


Balaji's Puzzle - A photo blog

This is a photo of my daughter trying Balaji's Puzzle .. Actually I started doing the puzzle. She took my paper and pen, decided to sit exactly like me (legs crossed) and was seriously puzzling away !!

Congrats Balaji.. you now have fans as young as three !!


First Family Photo !!

Finally the four of us are ready for a half decent photo..

I am clean shaven. The wife is wearing a dress instead of a nightgown for the photo.

Pity the baby couldnt show her face straight to the camera.. Oh well !! This is a good start..


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Yes ! Yes ! Yes !

I saw the Harry Potter movie tonight, thanks to advanced screening by IBM. I was exempt from baby duties last evening !! A birthday present from my wife and mother in law.

I have never read the books, only seen the movies. This was by far the best Harry Potter movie I have seen. I didnt realize for a second that I sat there for 2 1/2 hours. Just sat there and enjoyed the spectacular visual that was unfolding in front of my eyes !

I will leave the reviewing to the pros.

The part I liked best ? Harry goes ballroom dancing. Brought back memories. The first time you ask a woman to dance... how it changes your confidence, how being confident on your feet makes you confident in life in general !!

made me go dig up one of my old photos..

once upon a time
in a land far away
lived a young boy
who loved to dance and play!

bought a house, got married
had a few kids later on
stuck to the couch, tired
no motivation to move on

that is when he saw Potter
go to a magical ball
got all nostalgic
and decided to dance !!