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A thousand clicks

Today was a record day of sorts..

First it was the graduation day program at Tamil School.

Jr. has graduated first grade in Tamil! I had a blast watching kids from my class graduate.

Volunteered as a photographer for the event and took close to 900 pictures.

Then a bunch of friends went for a photowalk to Uvas Canyon county park.. and took another bunch of pictures..

Don't remember the last time the shutter took a 1000 counts in a 24 hour period. Came pretty close 6 years ago on my brothers wedding day..

Now the eyes and the hands need a rest..


Reader Comments (2)

aa.. i am so happy to hear the concept of tamil school. who is the thamizh vaathi..?

May 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHawkeye

It was a wonderful outing yesterday. Thanks for making it happen Sundar.

I really enjoyed every moment of our photowalk...thanks to the wonderful company we all had. Thank you for driving us to this exotic park!

Learned a technique or two, not to forget the restaurant list you guys were discussing !

Memorable 15th of May 2010 ! Thank you. Must do it again, this time in a place were we have a variety of subjects to shoot, and not worry about the slopes !

May 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNarayanan Venkitu

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