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I need a day off

Imaginary conversation (that could be very real)

Me: I need a day off tomorrow

Boss : Why?

Me: have to download an iPhone app.

Boss :??!! so? download it. why a day off?

Me: I tried to download it and it says "Apple terms and conditions for iTunes have changed. You have to agree to new terms"..

Boss: so agree and download

Me : It is a 72 page document and I am on page 1 reading about "one click" which belongs to Amazon. have long ways to go.. it says I have to READ and UNDERSTAND and AGREE to the terms before downloading a Flickr app..

Seriously, it is a 72 page document that has to be read and understood before we Agree.

How many iPhone/iTunes users would have actually read this thing, leave alone understand it before agreeing to the terms?

why cannot apple have a voice recorded version of this document? it is faster to listen to 72 pages being read than having to read it, no?

the world becomes sillier by the day..


Reader Comments (4)

If you think that is silly, think of the facebook privacy agreement. Apparently it is longer than the US Constitution (without the amendments, of course!).

May 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterA-kay

"Thou shall make it so long that people agree without reading"

That is what the companies now a days bank on.

Fine prints are ridiculous.

May 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterutbtkids

The need of the day is, a website that will have someone read through all the fine print, and summarize the content, highlighting the important stuff they don't want users to read.

Or, bring about a law that limits the number of pages for user agreements. That's daydreaming.


May 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous


[some of the following may be real or fictional]

facebook has a much easier to read terms and conditions document. it has a page with three paragraphs only.

the catch is that once you are done with reading a paragraph and move to the next paragraph, the previous paragraph's contents change!

- s.b.

May 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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