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Wax hands

Spent some time at our local Memorial Park to check out the Cherry Blossom festival. We did end up buying two things after promising each other that this would be a "window shopping only time". One was a pen stand made of nuts and bolts welded together. They had a stall full of arts and crafts made from welded metal pieces.

The other item was a wax hand! They make a painted impression of your hand in wax by alternately dipping it in molten wax and water. After seven or eight dips in wax they just pull the hand out effortlessly, let it dry, dip it in some colored wax and there you have it!

Jr. managed to keep her hands in position in the hot wax pretty well. The little one was not allowed because of the "5 years old" minimum age requirement. We never seem to learn. Before saying yes to one child for any activity, check minimum height, weight, age, size requirements for the other child!

Another April weekend whizzes past!


Reader Comments (1)

Hi Sundar,

I chanced upon your blog from Swatantra's blog one day and love reading it for sometime now. Never left a comment before though.

I too blog - I am more of a mommy blogger and not as versatile as yours.

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterA Childhood Journey

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