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A quiet day - updated!

The week was so hectic that I decided to sleep for 11 hours last night. All those continuous sleeping contests in our college days came to mind. I was second runner up once at 18 hours! (This happened when a bunch of South Indians were left to spend a few weeks in Varanasi during the Ayodhya riots, but that story is for another day).

Decided to take the kids for a photoshoot and spend some time at the local park.

My best portrait shot of Jr. so far..

Waiting for them to come down!

Goosh, Goosh, Goosh.. (you know by now who said that!)

Plan to spend another quiet day tomorrow. In other news, grandpa is getting better! Thanks for all your wishes.

Here is a photo I took just after the first one..

This one is specially to answer the visitors questions. Notice how the single hair that streaks across her face and its shadow over her cheek? I rejected this photo for the blog although it was in better focus.

Sometimes cameras are smarter than we think. This one locks focus on a single point (somewhere near Jr.'s nose) and takes the shot. It also does a final focus adjust, prior to taking the shot, and herein lies the rub!


Reader Comments (7)

Sundar - I am not familiar with the new breed of digital SLRs.

Is the exposure a function of shutter speed and aperture? (as in film based SLRs)

If aperture can be chosen then, is the depth dependant on the aperture size?

Films have film speed, similarly is there anything equivalent in digital SLRs?

The reason for all these questions is that when I looked at Jr.'s portrait the eye brows etc seemed fuzzy, when seen enlarged, and I am trying to guess why.

August 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterThe Visitor

If you are well experienced with manual SLR's you may not appreciate the automatic ones.Both have their plus and minus.

Anyhow, nice pictures.

August 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji S Rajan

I have no comment on the abilities of the camera other than to say that your daughter looks so adorable in the first shot.

August 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTerri

idhu romba basic question(s):

Unga camera model enna?

Camera resolution enna?

Kuzhandai semma cute!



August 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Balaji Sir, I appreciate.. I appreciate.. I really do.. I can always switch to full manual mode..

terri, thanks.

Sri, thanks.. Canon EOS400D (aka Digital Rebel XTi), 10.1MP (I take pictures at 6MP).

and yes, I will get better at using it over time!


August 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan


If you do not mind, one suggestion. Next time, try to shoot at your kids height. I mean kneel down and look at them through your lens, with their eye at your eye level. See the change and let us see how that picture works.

August 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji S Rajan

I am getting tempted to buy a good camera...!

Interesting stuff.

How is your granddad doing ?

August 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

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