Today Jr. performed at the Pushpanali Dance Academy's annual day. She has been learning for at least 8 years now and has been practicing when she gets a chance. She loves to dance and she has come to a realization that her performing is directly proportional to the practice!
She did pose for photos before the performance (now that I have studio lights set up!) and there were some good shots during her performance..
Kept thinking about my sister today because Jr. is a splitting image of my baby sister!
Here is a video with a few snippets of the 10 minute Thillana performance..
and a few photos that were taken in between shooting video snippets!
My baby is a big girl now! As a dad it is not an easy thing to accept.. but I will go through the learning curve and hopefully get on the other side of that curve soon!
As long as this makes her happy, it is all good!