A new normal

July 2014 is going to torment me and posssibly the family for a long time. If there was one period in our life that deserved a "love hate" relationship, this would be it.

Early on in the month, we were wishing July had 60 days and by the time 15th rolled in, we were hoping to move over to August!

Our emotions were competing with the monsoon rains while we were in the middle of the monsoon rains in Kerala and TamilNadu

Since then we have seen a lot of turbulence literally and figuratively. Now that everyone is sleeping in their own bed and the work, home, yoga routine is coming back for me, there is hope that we will settle down in time for the school year that starts next week. 

I have taken a break from almost all social media in the last month for multiple reasons. Someone on my Facebook list is not who they claim to be. Either that or there is some hacking going on when I try to log on to Facebook from Airport wifi's in Asia. If you read this and have had friend requests from me in July, promptly take that down. 

The other reason for not getting to blog was simple. Wait till the negative tide turns and then start blogging. 

This is not the first time we went on a trip or a trip within a trip. There is no single picture that stands out as a trip highlight, but this one comes close.. 

Have always found that writing about a travel experience in bits and pieces, long after the travel actually happened is a cathartic experience in itself. Don't know why, though!

We will pick up the narrative, from the TamilNadu Kerala border...