Car pool lane, here I come!
Drivers of fast cars who expect me to go zero to sixty in 4 seconds when you come behind me.... you can now relax! I will be in the far right lane on expressways.
On a side note, why does the DMV make us wait for 6 weeks to get license plates, then put the plate number in a separate form, mail it to Sacramento with a check and make us wait another 6 weeks to get the Access okay stickers?!
In this day and age, can't we just apply for both at the same time so you can update your records simultaneously? Would have been glad to pay that extra 8 bucks for the access stickers along with the hundreds I paid for the registration! At least an electronic submission for the sticker would have saved another few weeks.
This wait for access thing kind of takes the fun out of having bought a car knowing you get to use the car pool lane but only with a sticker! It is kind of "duh"!!!