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Psychic vs. Psycho


Of, relating to, affecting, or influenced by the human mind or psyche; mental.
Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy.
Of or relating to such mental processes.


n. pl. psy·chos
A psychopath.

Crazy; insane

Why this comparison from dictionary.com ??

Was accidentally drawn to the Tamil Mega serial my wife was watching today. It is called "kolangal" and comes on Sun TV. A guy was banging his head on the wall because the girl he proposes to, rejects him saying he is a maniac. He says "yes, I AM A PSYCHIC !!". I think he meant Psycho.. later he was using the two words interchangeably and continued to bang his head !!

A couple of scenarios play in your mind :

a. he is fully aware of the girls accusation that he is a psycho, but he is psychic enough to understand that this was going to happen !!
b. he thinks she is accusing him of being a psychic - and that is a problem ??
c. guy did very poorly in his GRE "Verbal" exam, so went to business school instead ?

I was rolling on the ground laughing. Maybe I should start watching SUN TV mega serials just for their comedy value in such serious situations ??


Friends for life !!

Met two of my college classmates today after a long time. One after 7 years and the other one after 12 !!

Between the three of us and another classmate who is local, we had a great time !! It was as though we have been together all this time. Amazing how we can do that with the old college buddies...

After they left, came home to look for some old pictures.. found two defining pictures.. Drinking tea at Bihari's chai shop and playing Holi (yours truly is the one with the hose pipe !) These are photos of the original 12 year old, not so well preserved photos..

Drove around from San Fransisco to San Jose to Stanford area for 200 miles today with my buddies.. didnt feel time go by at all.. wish we could do this more often !!



After going through two really hectic weeks, with some days being 18 hour work days, came home to watch "Parineeta" last night. My wife had already seen this movie in the theater, but decided to watch it with me anyways.

I usually accuse her of being a cry baby. She cries for everything. Rumor has it that she actually had tears after watching "Muthu" in her college days !!

This was one well made movie and it had its share of sappy sentiments. Needless to say the pile of Kleenex tissues near the couch was significant !! When the movie was over and we went to bed, I finally realized the importance of one of the dialogues that comes at the very beginning of the movie, and I got tears in my eyes.

I am prone to tears, if it is a well made movie. Have watched "An affair to remember" twice and have got teary eyed both times. I dont think that holding back tears or not getting tears after watching a stirring movie is a sign of being macho.

Tried to analyze (at 2 AM) why my eyes swelled up and came to the conclusion that the movie touched a soft chord inside me because, I have been misunderstood so many times so often, and I am very sensitive to that.

Do you ever feel, that you have been misunderstood, misjudged, misinterpreted so wrongly, and the people who that (good people you love!) have no realization how far from the truth they are ?


The Digital Rebel XT , mama mia !!

As most of you know, I got a new Digital Rebel XT. My wife couldnt care less, but she graciously agreed that men will be men and once in a while it is okay to let them have their way with their electronic gizmos..

Plus the old trusted Canon Powershot got water spots between the lens and the image sensor, so every picture started getting rings of light ..

Inspried by Mukundan's new nicer Profile photo, my wife decided to take a better profile photo for me..

She took a few shots and said "this camera is just amazing" !!. This from a non-believer! Go Canon !!

here is a picture of a rose from the backyard, with the new XT. Still grappling with the menus.

and here is an orangegirl..

In a week or two I expect to master all the menus..so stay tuned for more photos..


My kind of Music..

These days, the only music I get to listen to are Sesame street or Barney songs that are part of the entertainment for the little one at dinner time or the Chandramukhi CD that is in infinite loop in the Van (once again thanks to the little one who wouldnt let us play anything else when "her majesty" is in the van).

I am not averse to sesame street. I think I like it more than my daughter does. As a guy whose life revolved around dancing, I can say that Sesame Street songs are extremely dance worthy !!

I couldnt get "Baa Baa Bamba" out of my head for weeks, after I heard it. People at work were noticing that my happiness level had increased and I was singing "baa baa bamba, moo moo mamba " at work !!. It is the sesame street version of the original Ritchie Valens "La Bamba", but this one has nicer lyrics in english and spanish and is just absolutely cute.

My recent addiction is "Monster in the Mirror". I would really love to have a link to the audio here, but I do not want to do anything illegal here. So, you will have to search the MP3 sites yourself. Grover sings this song and the beat is extremely catchy. I am sure I have heard the original tune somewhere, possibly danced to it at one time too..

Just cant get it out of my head.. I was going :

wubba wubba wubba, at work today
dont want the wubba to go away !
