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Sticker shock . . .

Darling Narayanan is going through the Sticker Phase.

To a guy who is very possesive of his objects, this can be very annoying.

Recently she got a box of "Dora the Explorer" stickers as part of a goody bag at a birthday party in her daycare..

She, being trained by her mother consciously and subconsciously has learnt to hate my laptop instinctively. The minute I start working (or blogging), she comes running and shouts "Close that laptop, Appa !! Close it now !! Come play with me !". Having figured out that this trick didnt work, she decided to unleash her stickers on me.

She imitates her teacher : "You have been a good boy today, Appa. Let me give you a sticker !!" and tried to put the sticker smack in the middle of the monitor. In an instant of panic, I lost my steely resolve to ban vandalism on all objects under my possesion and compromised.. damn !! I regret it dearly now.

I begged her... "Please, not on the monitor. put it on the outside" and before I finished my work, my laptop is lit up like a christmas tree with Dora Stickers.

I go to a meeting at work (on one of those big oval tables with all the big bosses) and open my laptop and everyone is laughing their heads off !!

My attempts to remove the stickers have backfired. Darling Narayanan knows how many stickers are on the laptop !! Last week I tried removing a few and she spotted it. "Daddy, you have lost some of the stickers. Dont worry daddy. I will give you some more !!". Now I have more stickers than we started with. I have learnt my lesson and will not try to reduce the sticker count.

Moral of the story : Never let your guard down, especially when your daughter has a Ph.D. in adult psychology at the age of three.


Going Places !!

A recent phone conversation with India !!

Me : So how are they (refering to another family)
Relative : They went to Hong Kong last week . They said they are having a good time.
Me : Very unlikely of them. I am surprised they ever get off the couch.. Isnt it school season
Rel : It is Christmas Holidays for the kids.
Me : Still, I am impressed with all the planning. Getting the tickets, should have been difficult
Rel : It is not as difficult as you think. These days with all the competition, tickets are not that expensive or hard to get. Who goes these days ?
Me : True. But still, 20000 Rupees or so for a ticket , I am impressed !
Rel : What are you talking about. tickets cost 20 rupees !!!
Me : Who sells 20 rupee tickets to fly to Hong Kong ?
Rel : Fly ! why would anyone fly to a movie theater to see a big monkey !!
Me : KING KONG.. KING KONG.. that is the monkey movie. Hong kong is a city !!!


Frustration !!

Two weeks ago, a friend came to visit the baby ! They gave the toddler a present as well. It was a 300 piece Jigsaw puzzle. Considering that my toddlers attention span is shorter than the time Sourav Ganguly spends at the batting crease, there was no way she was going to even work on the puzzle with me. So it was a solo project for yours truly.

I had spent two hours on it, then gone to work (I was working round the clock last week - 3 hours work 5 hours break but for 48 hours !!). When I came back home I was alarmed to find some puzzle pieces on the floor. In spite of hiding the stuff, she had messed with it ! So I took all the pieces and started all over again.

Three more hours later, I was all done except for the last piece !! I screamed at the little one because I was soooo frustrated. After all, the thrill of doing such a puzzle is when you place the last piece and finish the damn thing.

But the wife had a clever idea. Take the picture on the box, cut a piece close to the one missing piece and fix it ! A trick that almost works except for the fact that the picture on the box is 1/8th the size of the real picture. Still looks okay . Can you spot the missing piece ?
Here it is !!

I am still planning to frame this one, so it stays as a lesson for the toddler!


Grandma Goes Macy's !! - Photo Blog

Recently took the family (especially grandma) to the Union Square Macy's in SFO. Saw the christmas tree and went into the Macy's.

All we ended up doing was feed the baby in the basement, use the restrooms, watch grandma get sticker shock just with window shopping and return back. Totally spent 45 minutes there !!

Without further ado, here are the photos.
The tree - I know my wife has a ban on her photos.. but come on .. you really cant make out who is at the bottom of the tree from this shot !!

The Gigantic 8 story Macy's Department Store !!

The view of Union Square from the Macy's Entrance


I have no clue who she is !! I was looking at the previous photo and was curious to see a dark shadow of a woman at the bottom of the picture.. being naturally curious !! I enhanced the photo and voila !! Felt like I was working for the CIA for a minute .. My Canon Powershot S30 is 3 1/2 years old, 8500 picutres and still going strong !! At the risk of being chided by the female readers of this blog, I stand by that last photo as a testament to my camera .. he he..

ps. The last photo was removed on suggestion from wife that the girl might sue me for not getting her permission before I put her photo on the blog. So I have blacked out her face !!


Origin of Species

I have become a nature scientist. What qualifies me to say that, you ask ? Well I am sure I have read more issues of National Geographic Magzine than the average reader, not to mention a few Desmond Morris books. So read on..

For the last 13 years, I have been studying the habits of the species called Indobridus Americanus. The earliest species of Indobridus was the Indobridus UnitedKingdus. While the hostile local environments and the shifting global climate have brought this species to the endangered list, its cousin the Indobridus Americanus has flourished over the last few decades.

This version of Indobridus nests mainly around urban centers in North America and is found in large numbers. The male of the species, known by its biological name Despodesi Techworkurus migrates from its native habitat in India when it reaches 20-22 years. It gets an urge to mate at a ripe age above 27-28. As part of a brief mating display, the male of the species shows acquired objects like automobiles, houses, high tech gadgets etc., The female mostly ignores the male in these displays but decides to migrate to the males habitat anyways. The exact reasons for this delayed migration by the female is still baffling evolutionists.

Once in its new habitat the Indobridus becomes reclusive in an attempt to evaluate its new surroundings. This lasts for a period of 8-12 weeks. At that point they start showing behaviour that the anthropologists call "nesting". Once the female has estabished its nesting territory, the male becomes extremely docile and performs social functions at the females instructions. Considering that the male is expected to learn these skills in a very short time frame, most of the males in the species go through sudden transformations. In an attempt to distract the female from its own awkward transformation, the male introduces the female to the concept of "shopping".

Over millions of years, the females in many species have always gone about the procurement business to build their nest or habitat. Mostly this consisted of gathering basic building materials like straw, leaves, etc. to make living space comfortable. The sophistication of the Indobridus Americanus has far exceeded the expectations of all zoologists. Any material that is perceived as undervalued or "a bargain" is procured by the female and is put in the nest. Some smart males of the species realize that they have done a big "boo boo" by introducing the females to the concept of "shopping" and introduce them to another equally baffling concept.. "returning".

Birds and animals have been known to return or reject bad pieces of straw or leaves from their nest or lair. But they usually do it after careful evaluation of the raw material. Nesting phenonmena in the North American continent have a unique feature. The habitat fools the creatures into thinking that they need things that are of absolutely no use to them. Therefore anything and everything that is on sale or is called a bargain is transported off to the nest. Sometimes the mistake is realized by the female even as they are in the process of transporting things home, in which case the male quickly capitalizes on the realization and returns the items. In other cases, the male is sent on an endless loop where he shuttles the female and the nesting materials back and forth in a buying and returning process. This behaviour is more pronunced on certain days in the year which follow special days (with names like Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.,) where the entire day may be spent by the male and female in procuring such items only to spend the following day in long lines where these useless things are returned.

By osmosis the male also gets into the habit of "shopping" and "returning" and this process forms a bond between the two. This process can go on for almost a few years as part of an extended courtship between the male and the female till the female produces offspring. It is interesting to note that this type of behaviour is totally absent in the native Indobridus Indianis, where the habitat does not allow the concept of returning. Thus the Indianis version exhibits extreme caution before altering its nest.

The scariest part is the evolution of this species into the Desitoddler Americanus offspring. These offspring are taught at a very dangerously young age the concepts of Shopping and returning, partly by accident and partly by necessity. For example, a toddler can lie on the floor and scream , throw a temper tantrum in front of a crowd of 50 - 100 strangers and insist on taking something like a box of chewing tobacco at the check out line (the toddler does not care what the object is as long as it is in an attactive packaging !). At this point, the parents have two choices. Buy the box of tobacco and return it later that same night after the toddler has gone to sleep, or put Shakespear to shame by showing the strangers a little family play. Needless to say the parents take the "shop and return" approach.

Both the Desitoddler and its parent the Indobridus are usually taken in by the words "Full Cash Refund" ! Granted, that the money for the purchase of "Chewing Tobacco" was fully returned, but the cost of gasoline to travel 5 miles or the devaluation of the van for the same 5 miles is not part of the Refund. In some cases, items have been returned in places which are 25 or so miles from the nest and in such cases the cost of gasoline and the mileage far exceed the cost of the object being returned !

It will be interesting to see how the Desitoddler evolves over a few generations in light of these traits...

Ps. except for the chewing tobacco part, the rest of the piece is a collection of obsevations from Desibridus not just pertaining to my own bride !!