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Sundar Narayanan's Travelog

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Today I happened to be waiting for my classmates for lunch. Was meeting these guys after two years. I had a good 15-20 minutes to while away. So I wandered to the beach in Sivaji park at Dadar West and stood on the view point.

There were a group of crows and a solitary pidgeon who were flying in to the wave front and picking things up to eat. 

Captured the waves and crowd in time lapse.. 

and the crows in slow motion.

also took a few Panorama shots with the iPhone

Then my buddies showed up... and time lapse, slow motion, freeze frames were all put into a different context! 

When you are with friends, time doesn't mean anything!


Repeat it!

No, not a post on Rajni.. 

Just an attempt to recreate an old photo with the kids..

Our home is the one place where I have lived the longest in one address. Eight plus years with same mailing address is a record for me. We would be in and out of rental places as kids and by the time my parents built their own home, I started traveling!

Good thing is that nothing has changed in the house over time. Status quo is welcomed here.. 

but the kids are a lot bigger now and they remind us that there is no "quo" here!

The other three kids were telling the little one "can you look innocent like in that old picture, please ?!"

Instead of innocence, she pulled some attitude.

We thoroughly enjoyed watching them getting into the "repeat it" act. 


Time travel

Was browsing through old posts on the blog to see what we did for Varalakshmi Vratham week and also to check on my mother's theory that every Aavaniavittam week I have been sick.

Two things came out of that browsing..

1. My mom is right. No surprises there! Retired school teacher that she is, really no surprises there. . . 

2. We are very consistant in our way of handling mid August.

There has been a photo shoot of the kids every year since the little one was born! 

Made a collage of those photos from 2006 to 2013 

Click for a larger version.. 

One photo, so many memories!


As time flies by

It has been an interesting year so far. Lots of work to keep me focussed and busy! Lots of Yoga to help me deal with the work. 

San at her supporting best helping me keep it together with the Yoga and the work and the kids who are making me realize every day that there are lots of things I have to do before they come and say "I am starting college tomorrow!" or "I want to get married!"

Yes, it is a few years away, but the way time flies by, one does get that thought every now and then.. 

When the little one reaches for the tap without climbing on a chair or on top of the sink itself!

When Jr. declares that mommy's footwear are a perfect fit 

or when she wears a new dress before going to the temple that makes me all teary because she looks so grown up in that dress!

The Jan 2nd to Memorial day stretch of the year is usually the most productive but also the most difficult one as you keep going and going and going. 

We are not there at the halfway point and it already feels like time for a break. 

On the bright side the camera came out of its hiding place after almost a month thanks to Jr.  and on the brighter side the kids are growing up as fast as they are growing old.


Another Kindergarten Graduation..

Just when you remember writing a post about how time flies, you are writing it again, three years later, with another kid going through the same thing!

We remember talking about this in 2008 and saying "before we know it the baby will be finishing Kinder!" and there she is!

Have never seen her happier!
