Saturday was 2 back to back yoga classes and a 9 mile hike. Sunday was just one yoga class followed by a 6 mile hike. We are slowing things down.. by Tuesday physical activity will be restricted to a yoga class if we are lucky and some walking up and down office buildings..
This time we went to Quicksilver with a different group, thanks to the little one.
We have hiked this park before but this time there was a lot of water in the creek. The colors were vibrant after the rains but the trail was a little bit tricky with slush covering most of it.
We got to see a lot of turkey vultures and red tail hawks as well as a solitary deer.
Enjoyed the hike..
A few pictures..
A short video highlight reel..
We are fortunate to have these lovely places to hike in within a 30 minute driving distance!