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Entries in costume (3)


A quiet halloween

Today we had a quiet halloween. Given it was on a weekend, was expecting at least a dozen kids to show up.. we didn't have a single kid show up for trick or treat this year. Guess that is what happens when the road has no street lights and the few school going kids all move over to the community living complexes nearby to trick or treat with friends.

Thanks to travel, didn't carve pumpkins this year. 

Jr. and the little one did go out with their friends!

apparently her friend  was "thing 1".. the whole thing was lost on me. at least I should have got a picture of her with her friend and captured the "things".

The little one was a cat. 

The kids did their dressing up by themselves and also shopped for the raw materials or reused old costume pieces. Guess they are both growing up to the point where we don't have to interfere in the halloween department. 

The best part of halloween? They came home and said "Appa, we know you like Twix. So every house that had Twix in their candy, we picked Twix. we will put it in the fridge and you can eat it this week!" 

That was priceless ! 


The Devil is in the details...

This year the kids made me proud. Told them that we were on a shoestring budget for costumes when Daddy was going through the whole "job change" phase because that was the weekend we went shopping for costumes. 

They dressed up as a cat and a devil. The devil costume will be retired this year finally as it barely fit the little one. She made the most of it in return for a promise that next year she gets a snow white costume.. a new one!

Here they are posing before stepping out!

They went trick or treating with their classmates while we (me and my parents) gave out candy to the countable kids who showed up at our door. 

Unless we get streetlights, don't think anyone is going to come to this street for candy! Well, the street itself is spooky to start with... so one would think it will make a great Halloween street.. but NO!

The candy collection is impressive and that means the adult has to control himself and stay away from the bags of candy over the next few days!

By now I am used to Halloween. It takes you a good 10 years to get used to a festival you cannot grasp!


Trick or treat

The little one seems to have a problem with the world in general, not to mention special issues with posing for daddy..

This is all we could manage after getting her to smile.

Jr. on the other hand totally enjoyed going out today.

All thanks to mommy for taking them out to the cousin's neighborhood for trick or treating. Daddy did not do a thing except stay home and dole out two candies, yeah, two candies, one each to the two four year old's who showed up over a 2 hour period!

Guess a street without street lights or a pavement does not invite many kids. Also the kids in the street have practically all gone to high school or college. That explains the drop in candy seekers in our area!

The kids are both at an age where they appreciate dressing up and love candy. Judging by our friends kids, guess we have just two more years before Jr. starts losing interest in this thing.

Until then, time to capture Halloween in pumpkin and costume pictures!
