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« Romancing the trail | Main | A festive and exhausting weekend »

We are back to normal?

Last year we celebrated Gokulashtami, Krishnas birthday at home. The kid was leaving for college that very weekend but we did a great job with bakshanams, dressing up and the overall mood was upbeat. 

Today was yet another working day Gokulashtami. Monday mornings are always busy. Even though we were both working from home, the fact that the little one is back to school and we have to get ready at the usual time, do a school drop off, disrupted the flow. There was even a doc appointment in the middle of all of this. 

Did make a 100 or so seedai, but put too much butter. The seedai was porous, so I will have to make it again soon, just to make up for the experience. San made some aval payasam. We did a simple celebration. 

A simple treat for Krishna..

and the "I am still a good boy mommy!" picture as I call it.. 

San gets credit for taking this picture! She even cracked a joke for me to smile! 

Next year, will take a day off and do a better job of celebrating!

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