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Competing for eyeball time

It is not just the Googles, Facebook's and Amazon's that are basing their business on trying to get a share of our viewing times.

Every precious nano second where your eyes are target towards any screen, now count for real $. 

So much that there are technologies out there that actually read your cell phones vibration (from the gyro) and tell the source of what you are looking at, data about how long you looked at it, glanced at it, or just plain skipped through it.. all this from how you held your phone or iPad while viewing a page!

That is not where it stops. We like in a world where our kids are labeled "post-google" which means they grew up with the internet. So this stuff rolls over.

Three weeks ago, I had a picture of the little one as my screen saver. 

Last week Jr. comes to me in the evening, snaps her hands in front of my face and says 

"booyaah! There, I now have proof!"

Me: Please stop with this booyaah agressiveness. I dont know what it means. What proof do you have of what?

Jr. : I have more proof that you love her (little one) more than you love me!

Me : It does not matter how much proof you think you have. I KNOW that I love you both the same.

Jr. : She was on your screen saver for two weeks. Then you knew I realized it and changed your screen saver to my picture and it was not even a pretty picture. That too I was on it for 2 days. now it is a picture of both of us and she says she is cuter in that picture than me! so there you go.. Booyah! 

Me : !!!!!

Now we need a software that does facial recognition and devotes equal screensaver time for the two kids. Added plus if the kids can rate your screensaver, let you know how cute they think they look in those pictures etc. etc.

We live in a world where things are measured like never before! There is more data being collected than can be analyzed with any reasonable value. 

In case you are wondering, here are the pictures of Jr. and the final joint picture where LO is supposedly cuter..

Go figure!

Now don't get me started on the Chromecast screensaver that runs on the big screen TV in the living room... 

Reader Comments (2)

Hey, are you reading my mind, or lurking somewhere in my house? Or is it something with the Y2K generation? Felt as if I was reading my own thoughts louder! Just a couple of days ago, I had this conversation with my two bosses at home:-) Nothing seems to be working - incl. u are the apple of my eye, u are the mango of my eye:-) The one thing that we happily agree upon for now is the cuddle-time with silly songs on Sat mornings. But, poor dad is left out and I still have one grumpy face to deal with:-)

March 30, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterShubha

hi Shubha,

ha ha ! in our house mom is happy to be left out of this.. their fight is always over who daddy loves more..


I am coming up with more creative ways to prove that I am an equal opportunity daddy! :)

March 30, 2015 | Registered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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