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Wishes for 2014

2013 was a good year for this family compared to recent years. As a family, there were no major issues. Daddy Narayanan lost a molar tooth and cursed a few dentists to hell, but other than that it was a healthy year. 

Work kept the parents busy and the kids did well in school and their extra curricular activities

There are a lot of things to reminisce about in 2013, but they all pale in comparison to the last two weeks we spent in Australia and New Zealand, especially New Zealand.

We just got back home a few hours ago and the visuals from New Zealand are still coming up! San's parents, us, her sister's family from Melbourne, her brother's family from Seattle were all there. It was a group of 13 traveling around North Island for a whole week. If this world is gods work, then he was definitely doing overtime when working on New Zealand. 

We had a blast! 

Also we get to say Happy new year twice this year. Once in Auckland shortly after boarding the flight when all the air hostesses wore bright hats and came wished everyone.. and again tonight at Pacific standard time, because we gained 24 hours while crossing the International date line! 

There are more than 3000 pictures from the four cameras and three iPhones. Will post pictures soon...

Here's to a wonderful, healthy and properous 2014 from all of us!

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