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Potato Box Curry (உருளைகிழங்கு கறி) - Do it yourself Video

The most flexible side dish to make, for eating with rice and rasam or roti's / flour tortilla's for a quick lunch (especially when you get 60 minutes for lunch, where you bike back from your department to apartment in 10 mins, make something, eat, clean dishes, drive back on time) is the potato box curry.

It goes with anything!

This video shows you in real time how to make this in under 10 minutes. If you are not picky about roasting the potato to a nice golden brown and getting them crispy 7 minutes should be plenty.

The only thing that is easier to do than this is making french style green beans or Okra using frozen cut vegetables. The taste isn't exactly super dee duper for those, but with some frozen coconut and south indian "gundu" milagai (round red chili) you can get that to be nice too.

Many a season's entire lunch menu was these quick curries on a rotation basis.

It is a treat the kids love. They eat the curry by itself like a snack!

Hope you have fun making this simple curry..

ps. The background noise shows you that sometimes 4 bathrooms in a house is not enough if you have two girls. Unless they come up with a potty that can have two girls go at the same time.. well forget that thought. It wouldn't work. Even then they will fight for the same sub potty. Girls!


Reader Comments (3)

what is this sundar potato curry and potty...yuk yuk yuk!! How can you insult potato curry like this.

March 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Please dont encourage kids to eat from the floor....

March 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous


[disclaimer: i am yet to watch the video]

i think it all depends on whether the two parents are in sync or not; there will be more trouble at home if parents clash than if kids eat from the floor.

- s.b. (in theory, i agree with you)

March 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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