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Sky background

Was taking a break just lying down on the concrete after taking pictures of things in the backyard. Jr. and the little one came up to me and said "get up. Let's ride the cycle"

In an attempt to make her go away from me for a second, took the camera that was already in my hand and flashed a picture..

The kids actually made a game of it.. they would lean over me and request a picture be taken.

and my ace model posed for a photo after forcing me to sit up...(reference portrait here)

Works out rather well with the sky as a natural background, no?


Reader Comments (2)

The blue sky often provides the perfect backdrop for the perfect picture !

but then, the subject of the pictures also add colour to the blue sky background


August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

Cute little pictures of cute little princess..

Girls grow fast..

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSwatantra

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