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Bokeh - the learning continues..

The hand did take a turn for the worse and limited activity for most of the day. After a lot of rest, got up this evening and tried taking photos. Options were restricted to indoor and that meant, the Christmas lights came out!

Like they say in Tamil "Yaam Petra Inbam" ... (the happiness I received, should be passed on, no?)

The camera modification


The setup on the dining table


A few shots which are better efforts than the previous one's posted earlier




Jr. is an amazing model. After getting hit by the flash a few times, she suggested that the picture be of the side of her face. It was a great idea.

Also, a tip. If you happen to try this at home, remember that 1000+ Christmas lights generate a lot of heat, when you pile them up in a heap. You are guaranteed to get your hands burnt if you unplug the lights and try to grab them off the table. It is NOT recommended under any circumstances, especially when you are recovering an already broken hand.

My kids asked me "how can you be so smart and stupid at the same time?"

How? How?

or should I be asking myself "Why?"


Reader Comments (5)


Even I joined this school recently. After seeing ur blog. Thanks :).. Ur bokeh assignments pics are damn good...

October 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLahari

After those experiments last weekend, I was wondering why this post was taking so long. looks like u were just honing ur skills. great snaps and the one with the three angels looks angelic :)

October 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji


did recognize your name on the photo you posted.. it is great isn't it?


Balaji, thanks. Finally found that no accessories were required! also, no photoshop required either. The photo is the raw image with a frame and Copyright logo!

either need a low aperture fixed focal length lens (f1.8 or f1.4 50mm lens) or you have limitations on what you can do, but you can play with relative distance between camera and object and camera and lights and the zoom level and get same effect.

it is purely geometrical optics after all....

October 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Oh yeah :).. If u happen to get time do visit my photoblog and do share ur valuable comments..http://lavanyahariharan.weebly.com/photoblog.html

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLahari

hai ...
Sorry for the irrelevant comment to ur post.Most of my acquaintances and cousins who have a blog feel aprehensive about posting the pictures of their kids online... How come u differ.... Dont u think u should be a bit more careful? Idhu kali kaalam ... I'm 200% sure that u would have thought about all this and people would have advised you against it.... How do you justify your act?

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSomebody Concerned

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