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Sundar for Vice President

It would be such an honor to be Chuck Norris's running mate!

As a guy who always wanted to drive a Prius, but could never justify the added expense to the Mrs., I am as qualified as qualified can be, to understand the economic ramifications of environmental policies! As it so happens, in my non blogger life, I have come across the word "technology" and throw buzzwords like "solar", "efficiency", "silicon", "energy", just like my guru Chuck Norris throws high leg kicks. Talk of "ram"ifications!

Add to that my dual citizenship and the fact that I actuall won certificates three years in a row in the Geography Talent Test in my middle school (thank you shoebox!), I may actually know something about Foreign policy. Okay, okay, the previous sentence only implies that I know something about "foreign" and not anything about policy.

Did I mention that my dad worked for 40+ freaking years in the LIC (Life Insurance Corporation)? Yeah, the tallest building in Madras (Chennai) for the longest time... that corporation! If there is one other English word, other than "a" , "an" and "the" , that I have heard more often as a child, it is the word "policy"! That proves, beyond all doubt, that I know all about Policies.

That said, lets put two and two together and come up with 700 billion! I am qualified on foreign policy also.

What else does a vice presidential candidate need today? Governing experience!

Governing is all about taking other peoples money and spending it on yourself. It is true that as a grown up, I have spent only money I had to earn, the hard way. But wait, as a child, I did take whatever money that was gifted to me and converted them to firecrackers!

My mother would say "let's buy you some new clothes with that money". My father would say "enn da kaasa ippidi kari akkare?" (Why, you are literally burning money by buying firecrackers?) and a lot of other near and dears would give me many an option to spend the money in other ways (note ,as a true governor, I said "other ways", not "wisely").

The solid governer in me, walked up to the nearest fireworks store with the money! That settles it then. I also have experince in governing for many many years.

In the coming election, please vote for Chuck and Sundar!

The new slogan?

Change is Stale..

Rage is coming!

ps. Have been writing a post of "what ever happened to all that money?".. but it has got to wait for the weekend..

pps. When 9/11 happened people went and filed a case against Osama. Has anyone filed a case or at least a class action lawsuit against the B@$!@^#$ who took all that money? In the event some of it is recovered, I would like a portion put back into my 401k

ppps. I will eat my US passport in public if McCain/Palin win! Will videoblog it.

pppps. Will a US passport taste better when mixed with Sambar saadam, rasam saadam or thayir saadam?


Reader Comments (7)

I seriously hope you never get to eat your passport. It means doomsday is upon us.

If you eating passport = McCain+Palin win, then forget sambhar/rasam/thayir. Kanji will be more appropriate, no?

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterss

The newsfeed on crackbook mentionned this Chuck Norris plan but now I see the context. Too bad I'm not American, otherwise I'd definetely support you.. "Change is Stale.. Rage is coming!"


You want to eat your passport if McCain + Palin win! Oh MY KaDavULe!

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSivajini

Change is stale, Rage is comming !

LOL !!

I really hope you dont come to eating that passport ! I really hope so !

To have the kind of candidates ( atleast the Palin kinds...i was realy surprised. I thought, only Laloo Prasad could pull of such stunts !!!

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

yeah please i pray for your sake that "eating the passport" WILL never happen -- also for the sake of the rest of the american makal!!! and i might even prefer the Rage is coming platform to McCain + Palim combo !!!

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPrithivi

LoL-ed at the title of this post.

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermitr_bayarea

i seriously doubt the us ppt is edible, but hoping you never have to find that out. you have my vote, now all you need is a color and an animal and the rage campaign is on. :)

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKodi's Mom

kodi's mom:

my suggestions ...

colour = red
animal = bull

tune = need rahman's interference

- s.b.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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