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Do you still hold on to your..

Big, Fat, Red...

"Wren and Martin" English Grammar book?

Do you go to sleep happy in the knowledge that this book that created something close to a Stockholm syndrome inside you, is tucked away in a loft somewhere, halfway across the globe?

Do you know in the bottom of your heart, that in spite of going through this book from cover to cover over a three year period in middle school, you somehow thank those dudes who came up with this book for helping you grasp a language that has opened many a door for you, and continues to do so?

Do you get flashbacks of this book on a chapter to chapter basis starting from "The Articles", to "Gerunds, participles" to Precis writing? Are they flashbacks that evoke mixed emotions and you start tossing and turning?

If you are going, Yeah, Me too, that's right!, it is high time you join the Wren and Martin Anonymous club that I plan to start..

We can discuss about our middleschool english grammar experiences..

Do they still use this book in CBSE schools today?

Has this book now changed in thicknes, color, addded authors..let me know! Sometimes, google doesn't tell everything!

Going to have some sweet dreams of subjects and predicates.

Now stop counting the number of mistakes on this post, will you?


Reader Comments (8)

Good old Wren & Martin ehh...

Its a good book. Dunno if ppl are still using it.

September 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSri

That book was torture! I never understood a word in it. If I see the book again in my parents' house, I intend to burn it.

September 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTerri

it is a bad book.. but it is the aathi chuvadi of english..

auvaiyar would be proud of Wren and Martin!

Terri, never thought of you as a book burner, what with your impeccable vocabulary and all.. boy, looks like you have unresolved issues with the blokes.


September 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Nice post! Wren and Martin - always proudly talked about by old uncles when I was in school and the way they said it I thought it was "Renanmatin" until I got to see the book myself. And I have erased it from memory completely because...because is a conjunction!

September 22, 2007 | Unregistered Commenternoon

Lol.. my Ma'am used to refer to it, quite a lot.. never got around to seeing it.. was too busy brushing up with Harold Robbins those days.. ;)

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersirpy

Dear Mr.Sundar
Was browsing & came across your post on Wren&Martin.My memories took me back to my school days.Our English teacher was very particular that we follow that book. I never make a grammatical mistake because I grew with Wren & Martin

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

o boy, I remember the book all too well! Mixed emotions nevertheless.. I wish I loved the workings of the language then as much as I do now.

Good stuff tho' ..no doubt!

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrads

noon, sirpy, rads and mr.anon,

welcome to this blog.

looks like the big red one still evokes memories in a lot of us!


September 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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