After many unsuccessful attempts, finally caught Jr. as she was jumping from the couch on to the ice (just kidding, a blanket with ice and some penguins on it which she uses as her landing pad).
awww cute photo brilliant shot - but i thought parents dont like children jumping off the couch? or on the bed? or actually move ;p so r u taking these as evidence? ;p
we are already onto our second couch. how have managed to retain the your couch's condition? is it held together by miracle glue or something? my kids do "jumpetti" on the bed nowadays...
Reader Comments (2)
awww cute photo brilliant shot - but i thought parents dont like children jumping off the couch? or on the bed? or actually move ;p so r u taking these as evidence? ;p
i got scolded so many times ;(
we are already onto our second couch. how have managed to retain the your couch's condition? is it held together by miracle glue or something? my kids do "jumpetti" on the bed nowadays...
btw, have you read" REL="nofollow">hiphopgrandmom or is that your mom (lol)?
- s.b.