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Laptop trouble.. yet again.

My office laptop is probably going to sue me for abuse. You have probably seen the post about the stickers on the front, about the trackball being chewed..

Well it doesnt stop there. Just a few minutes ago, I was about to take my laptop from the table and put it in my bag. I lift it and there is a sliding sound, one made by metal against metal coming from inside!

I check the CD drive, nothing is loose there. Then I slowly move my laptop around and I hear the same sliding sound as though some part is broken inside and is making its way into various sub compartments.

What with the recent pictures of laptops catching fire so easily, I promptly panicked, decided to get my screw driver and open it up. Just on a second thought I decided to do some more investigating before performing laptoposcopy. Managed to isolate the noise to the bottom of the keyboard. Only then I realized that there was something stuck just under the opening for the wireless slot !!

Fished the object out and it was a Quarter dollar!!

These days I leave the thing closed, so the little devil doesnt pull out the trackball and eat it.. Still she manages to do something to a closed laptop. If you have a T42 or any other computer with this slot on the side AND if you have a little devil in your house capable of such acts, beware !!!

Now my next concern is, was there only one quarter ? Where did she find it ? What if she has a secret stash of coins somewhere ? What if she eats them when I go the kitchen for a few minutes ? Should I buy a leash and put her on it ? Should I buy a home X-ray machine or a metal detector to save myself the future emergency room visits ? The mind wanders ...

Reader Comments (4)

hehehe oh my she is so clever - n your wondering seems apt ;p

October 1, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

Clever ! Clever ! Outpaces dad all the time ! LOL !


October 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

clever second borns translate to nightmare for parents. A friend of mine made a huge pen to "cage" the kids and most of the dining room was used for this. Worked until they figured out how to climb out of it.

October 4, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMunimma

visithra, kavi, dont know what she will do next..

munimma, i already have nightmares. cages wont work on this one.. climbs out already!

October 4, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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