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Elmo visits the Doctor

Jr. has been watching Elmo visits the Doctor over and over again for the last 10 days. By now she knows every dialogue in that DVD.

She has also changed her stance from wanting to be a nurse, to wanting to become a doctor after watching this video. But her most difficult patient is none other than her own sister.

We have such a riot watching Jr. try to do a checkup on the baby. The baby is so aggressive that she grabs the stet or the pressure monitor or the doctors hair before the doctor can get anywhere near her. (Seriously, even the real doctors have not had it easy with our little one!).

Here is a picture of the scared doctor and her scary patient..

I keep getting visuals of a prison doctor checking on an extremely dangerous patient!!

Reader Comments (4)

ehehheh she sure looks scared - n the patient is waiting to spring at her

October 1, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

Prison doctor !! LOL ! She looks so very cute !

October 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

What a kind of imagination? Pavam the kids are looking innocent. I liked both of their natural reactions. They are wonderful and good days.

October 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji S Rajan

visithra, do you see how she is threatening the doc. with her eyes and body language!

kavi, you do look at kids with rose colored glasses man..

balaji sir, the only paavam are me and the mrs.


October 4, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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