Cucumber Falls
This is going to be a short post as far as travelogs go! After finishing the tour of Falling Water we had one hour before heading home. SIL suggested we visit Cucumber falls, a place 20 minutes away. We made it to the falls and all of us trekked down to the water level.
Then we realized that there was some steep climbing over slippery rock and fallen trees to get to the falls.
Only four of us made it. Me, the kids and my athimber. We got 15 minutes in the falls, but could not take a lot of pictures as a young couple kept photobombing us. After a 15 minute wait we decided the photo op was not going to get any better..
I photoshopped them out of the picture above.. but it was too much work to Photoshop them out of the one below.. Thanks to Athimber, at least got a picture of the three of us!
The place was really nice and cool. We spent the hour at Cucumber falls and moved back towards Pittsbugh..
A family portrait that will go in our gallery for 2016!
If you decide to go to Falling water, don't miss this place. The water was not as cold as we expected. You could actually bathe in the falls!
We will take that chance, next time!
Falling water