
Cabazon Dinosaurs - Photoblog

The original target location for the long weekend trip was to see the Concrete Dinosaurs of Cabazon. We wanted to go someplace where there was something for the kids and something for the adults. Websites told us that the Dinosaurs of Cabazon which were as high as 70-80 feet took 10 years to build and they were built with the help and consultation of top paleontologists and included a museum of sorts which educated kids..

We sure had some surprises!

Cabazon must be one of the windiest places in the US! We were almost lifted off the ground the minute we set foot on the parking lot. The high winds, the mountain backdrops and the large dinos in the middle of palm trees set an eerie stage that make it look like they could have walked the very area.

Very lifelike and life size dino's greeted us miles away. The kids and adults had fun posing in front of the dinos, climbing on whatever they were allowed to climb...

You could actually go inside the dino by climbing stairs and the belly of the beast was actually a gift shop! The surprise in the place was not the dinos but the propaganda. There was not much of the original paleontology or science left. Apparently the dino museum is under new management. Right wing creationists have taken over the place. So all the old posters have been replaced by laminated powerpoint slides and new boards which talk about how God created man and dinosaurs and they all lived at the same time.

Guess there are a lot of people who are offended by being related to monkeys! The kids were reading the boards and had too many questions which were funny.

I guess we can call ourselves creative evolutionists?! We teach our kids that god created everything. At least my grandpa taught me that when the celestial beings (Deva's) did a sacrifice many things came out of god including different castes of humans, the sun, the moon, the stars, wind, fire, water, animals, birds etc. etc. which gets passed on to my kids thanks to occasional temple visits, India trips, slokam learning and Amar Chitra Kathas! So there was no issue with god doing the creating part.

As people who are very open to evolution, genetics, DNA, carbon dating, archaeology and paleontology, ie., science in general we believe that the dinosaurs were there a long long time ago before humans were there and were wiped out long before we showed up and evolved into modern day reptiles and birds. The new displays at the dino museum pretty much questioned all of the above!

They even sent T-rex to church which was hilarious!

Guess we all have to get ready for Sarah Palin sooner or later or accept these alternate realities because money can buy everything.. especially science!

Next thing you know the sun and planets will be going around the earth, which happens to be flat and the likes of Kepler, Copernicus and Galileo will be turning in their graves!

As for Watson and Crick, well let us leave those poor souls alone!

Still strongly recommend the Cabazon dinosaurs. You should have no problem if you are into right wing creationism and want to go to church with T-rex!

Otherwise, be prepared to answer questions to your kids. At least they get to know there are people who believe in things that are different and that is a good thing.


Thanga Bhaspam, Velli Bhaspam, Legiyams - The irony

Recently, some of my friends were discussing the role of Gold/Silver and their impact on the environment and what was considered safe levels in our systems.

When I mentioned that as a little kid have taken a few grams of gold and silver powder as part of medicines over a period of years to cure a weird infection, no one in the audience believed me and they actually thought my "credibility" was taking a hit with a statement like that.

That is really sad because I am reasonably sure (and my parents have confirmed) that it was Gold containing powder (Thanga Bhaspam) which was always mixed with Honey and given to me and Silver containing powder (VeLLi Bhaspam) which was given always by mixing in Ghee (clarified butter). Why different media were used to dissolve the powders, we do not know. In addition to that was given a Legiyam (or viscous solution) that would clean out my bowels in record time and literally purged me.

Distinctly remember the old Siddhar( telling me that my blood was impure and he was purifying my blood (Raththa Suddhi was the word he used.. ie. blood purification) using the combination.

When mentioning this to Allopathic doctors (at least the western medicine doctors were referred to in our family as Allopathic doctors), they would comment on how these treatments were known in the western world but were avoided because of the "poisonous" nature of the cures and they used heavy metals like Arsenic, Bismuth, etc. to get to the digestive tract and attack the system using a "mild poisoning" method.

The way the body tries to fight mild poisoning, it kills the real poison also and that helps recover the system. It is not totally true that western medicine ignores these elements now.

You can see Bismuth in pepto bismol like stomach restoring systems. Chemotherapy uses heavy elements, kind of like the "raththa suddhi" used by Sidhhars.

The thing that would always beat me was the labels on these medicines from the sidhdha vaidhya saalai which would say "Used in curing the following with other medicine combinations... and Putru Noi or Cancer would be in the list"

Being in 7th grade and having limited exposure to Cancer as a "cureless disease" in those days, would ask my parents if this whole thing was bogus and can be believed. They recommended that since there were not many other alternatives, might as well go with the flow and believe! Their point was "Siddha medicine has been around for centuries. People won't go back to a doctor if they don't cure a high percentage of patients".

Now some dude in China actually goes and proves using western science that old eastern medicines have a reasoning behind them.

My personal take on how this type of thing evolves over time (again, note my very over simplified explanation) is..

In the good old days(thousand or two thousand years ago) there was a huge gap in the knowledge base of the people. There were many smart people who probably weren't famous or well documented but left their mark by passing on their knowledge in spite of not having media. Today we have a population of 6.9B instead of an estimated 170M in 0BC (a forty fold increase) and Information technology has come a long way from stone tablets to bluetooth. We only question the information from the past and want validation with current methods of understanding.. But as a % of people with higher knowledge levels have we come far?

Is information really leading to improved knowledge? What use is all the information if you do not act on it? Can knowledge be useful if it did not have a Ph.D behind it?

Does everything from the olden days have to be proved and understood in a doctoral thesis to be accepted? By who? why?

Should we confer Ph.D's to all our grandma's who tell you that using turmeric powder when boiling vegetables or adding turmeric to food that comes from the ground is safer or applying turmeric on baby girls is good for their hormone cycles? Or should we have research papers like:

Choi, Hyunsung; et al. (July 2006). "Curcumin Inhibits Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 by Degrading Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator: A Mechanism of Tumor Growth Inhibition". Molecular Pharmacology (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) 70: 1664–71.

Aggarwal, BB.; Shishodia S. (May 2006). "Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer". Biochemical Pharmacology (Elsevier) 71 (10): 1397–421.

Hatcher H, Planalp R, Cho J, Torti FM, Torti SV (June 2008). "Curcumin: from ancient medicine to current clinical trials". Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 65 (11): 1631–52

etc. etc.

Maybe if there was a Journal of Grandma Society and it had papers published every month and we could have references like

"Effect of kasthuri manjal podi on long term hair growth" , R. Saraswathi, K. Vijaythaammal, et. al. J. Gram. Soc., Vol 23, 2010, pp1023-1025

would more people be inclined to take it seriously?

Will the use of heavy metals to target poisons be taken more seriously now that we have this news?


The year that was 2009...

The title of this post was wishful thinking.

Sometimes I just wish, that we are already into 2010!

The last eight months, has not been easy. First it was my dad's heart problem. Next it was my flying visit to India, where I got my foot contused, and had to go through different treatments including acupuncture, followed by some really hectic and crazy schedules at home and the last one month of pain because of the broken arm.

Two days before I fell down, I had a phone conversation with my brother. The end of the phone conversation was about how Saturn (Sani), was in a bad position in the horoscope for almost every member in the extended family. But my brother ended that conversation on a positive note. He told me that out of all the people in the house, I had the most favorable Sani because of my Guru Dasa. For those of you who are not familiar with Hindu astrology, that would be the good effect of having Jupiter shining his grace down on you.

Apparently in the giant struggle between Jupiter and Saturn, trying to bestow their grace or calamity on me, Saturn won!I wonder if Jupiter did a hard fight and maybe that's the reason I'm still alive, because if goodness is what I'm going through right now, I fear to think of what badness might mean!

But then again, the last year has been bad for almost everybody across the globe compared to the previous years!

Everybody I know, who still has a job is working harder than ever.

It is hell for everyone who has lost their jobs.

Then there was the swine flu, or should I say "there is the swine flu"

We don't even want to go into the percentage negativity in the daily news, be it economic, social, you name it.

I do not know how to read a horoscope. I do not want to live my life by what people tell me about my horoscope, but at the same time, I have a very healthy respect for people who are able to tell me things by looking at my horoscope and are right, time and time again. Astrology, maybe more art than science, and I find it pretty amusing when people mock astrology.

In today's world, you could go pick eighth-grader's from India or United States or any other Western country and ask them a few questions about how a tiny seed can grow into a big tree, or how would a tiny sperm and egg have enough information to grow into a full-fledged human being, and they would probably give you answers that would be along the lines of genetics 101.

Thanks to Western science and its widespread propaganda machinery, with good help from what is considered Western scientific thought, the general message out there is that it is okay to believe:

1. Sperm's and eggs contain DNA

2. The DNA is very complicated and different pieces of DNA have different information encoded in them, which contradict the specific traits and attributes of the organism the sperm and egg are going to create.

3. Out of the millions or billions of pieces of information contained in the DNA, select parts can be identified as contributing to specific features by scientific experimentation.

4. It is possible using complex experimentation that a cause and effect can be established for particular parts of the DNA causing particular diseases or haircolor, or height or girth, etc.

If a similar method is adopted to explain certain events in a person's life correlating to certain planetary positions at the time of conception of the same organism, it'll be ridiculed as arcane, esoteric or downright absurd!!!

There are a lot of things that are beyond the comprehension of the average human mind. If a sequence of proteins that is considered to be the basic building block, for the human organism determines the height of a person, or the diseases that this person has (or is predisposed to get), maybe the cosmic rays that deflect from various planets at the time of conception irradiate the sperm or the egg in a way that alters the protein for all we know!

I was thinking about all of this,because I had plenty of time to think about all of this over the last month, lying in bed and staring at the ceiling fan.

A few years ago, I had posted about Nadi astrology, which accurately tells the past, but left the future a little bit sketchy, and for good reason. At that point, I had compared the ability of reducing a person's life history from a thumbprint to particle physics in the context of sample size. Maybe our ancestors had small sample sizes, where correlation was easy and obvious.

Think about the following two experiments...

1. The scientist studies a family of Italians. The entire family has been marrying within Italians for generations. The scientist studies three generations of the family, and finds out that there is one person who has married an Irishman and that family has Irish Italian kids. The scientist proceeds to study the genetic makeup of entire family and tries to see how the genetic code in the kids compared to the genetic code of the family and the contribution from the Irishman to the gene pool.

Eventually, the scientist claims that they have isolated the Irish part of the gene contribution. An ethnic stereotype, may not be the best example. But you could switch it to an entire family of obese people and a single skinny person, or an entire family of short people and a single tall person, etc.

2. A different type of scientist, studies thumbprints of everyone in the same families and cross correlates select features on the thumbprints and finds the one pattern on the print that differentiates the contribution from the odd man out!

The entire irony is in the fact that the thumbprint itself may also be genetically transmitted information, which is a visual representation of the persons genetic code. After all, there are millions of ridges and troughs and loops in every thumbprint!

This post started off somewhere and is ending somewhere else...

In the last month of pondering and soul-searching, with and without the aid of narcotic painkillers, I have come back to the same conclusion, yet again!

It is always good to have a healthy respect for things that are beyond our comprehension. It is also good to keep an open mind when it comes to scientific experimentation or scientific curiosity, and removing a bias that complicated experiments with billions of dollars and millions of samples, along with computerized correlations are in some way superior to similar correlations established by astrologers going back a few millennia!

It is a crying shame, that Hindu astrology or thumbprint reading gets compared to fake things like rope walking or levitation, which are tricks and can be proved to be nothing but tricks.

Where is your Saturn?

ps. my apologies for the multiple posting of the same post. For some reason, the voice recognition software decides to hit the publish post button every now and then.

It is possibly mistaking some of my words as commands instead of text!

I still find it incredibly amazing. I may be typing faster than you can read this, thanks to the software.

I will be back to blogging regularly...