
So much for Prayer

I do pooja's or prayers, a countable number of times every year. So the little ones always watch me with a lot of curiosity!

While doing Sandhyavandanam, (which has become a once in a while event these days), I stood up then looked down to find my water and spoon had suddenly disappeared. Knowing that both Jr. and the little one have been eyeing the copper vessel and spoon ever since I took them out yesterday, all I had to do was, follow the noise and sure enough.. there they were!

Needless to say they both threw huge tantrums when I took the water away from them. These days I cannot do anything without the little squirrels taking things away and doing their own thing!

The best part is Jr. and the little one imitating grandma's praying. That secret video has eluded me so far! Who knows, maybe I will capture that soon?
