
Sometimes a picture is worth nothing

Two days ago, while coming home, it was around 6:30 PM and the sun had set already.

The moon was rising and there was this really bright planet very close to the moon.

The sky was so clear near the moon and the bottom part of the moon almost appeared to be bouncing light back and forth between the sun and the planet!

My first guess was it was probably Jupiter (which usually shows up nice , bright and white), but thanks to this site (and a google search for "planet near moon february" ), we now know it was Venus!

It was really an amazing site to see this.

Tried to capture it without a tripod (knowing it won't get a good shot) and this was the result..

Hope you got to see it live!

That leads us to a travelog post. We just visited the Chabot Space and Science Center. It was fun..
