Throughout the Costa Rica trip, we kept seeing elaborate and amazing masks..
Finally we got some explanation for these at the airport just before reaching our gate. The masks cost around 100 to 150$ (list price).. we did not try to bargain.
They were beautiful.. here are a few we saw.. I have touched up the masks and done some HDR work on them in Photoshop..
There was a room full of these masks on display and sale at the Super Compro store in the town in Monta Verde... the most beautiful ones had the Quetzal bird on them with snaky colorful tail. We missed seeing this bird on our walks. There are only 500 of them alive and it is critically endangered. It was not our luck. Our guide told us that they a group of five, just the previous week. The birds are considered a god in Costa Rica.. but the habitat loss has endangered the gods.. things we venerate as gods are almost extinct? why is that?
The Quetzal is expected to be gone in 20 years or less. Maybe in this lifetime (mine or the Quetzal's, whichever comes earlier), will get to see the bird.
Loved this trip!