digital photography school

Ten minutes from Home - A homework

The photo school homework for the week was interesting.

Drive, walk, bike from home.. stop exactly at 10 minutes. Take a photograph of the first interesting thing that catches your eye when you stop...

in Black and white!


Stopped at a Citibank Parking lot at 10 minutes and caught this tree.

In retrospect, should have adjusted the white balance or taken the shot with a higher f/stop...

There is so much to learn from not just taking the photo but when you sit down to taking a second look at it while adding finishing touches.

It can only get better with time and practice, no?


Jump fun..

The photo school assignment was "Jump!"

Here is my entry:


Here are other photos that were also considered today (you are allowed to post only one photo per assignment)..

It was a great day for going outdoors today and the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco was vibrant with colors. The greens looked green, the blues were vibrant blues, the air was so clear it was a great day to take pictures.. especially when the kids were all so co-operative for the assignment.

More photos from the half day trip tomorrow.
