The front yard, the backyard, the kids, the laptop.. every little thing was looked through fresh eyes.. lens + eyes that is and here are some results.
Rosemary bud..(actual size is about little one's pinkie nail!)

It is very difficult to take pictures of moving subjects where you are taking pictures so close at this magnification. Was trying to follow this bee for a good five minutes and all I got was this! More manuals have to be studied before the bee can be captured up close. There is also the fear of getting stung!

The hibiscus bud was still enough to be captured..

This one is a magnolia. Never knew this bud was this hairy!

Was inches from this rose.. practically touching it and still got a picture!

A red geranium bud from our front yard..

To capture my joy at this you have to realize what scales we are talking about .. this is a photo to show you size reference..

Now for my favorite subjects who posed for me so well.. especially when the camera was inches from their face and they had to stay still.. very very still!

and the earings! Never knew we could do a focus so sharp on an area so small and leave everything blurred. (please note, I have got this effect with the 18-200 set to 200mm when focusing on birds 20 feet away. This though is increrideeblllllllle!

The adventure with the lens will continue after thursday!
For now it is back to work and a busy three days.