Cannot get "Baa Baa Bamba" out of my head!
We play videos (usually from this blog) or from youtube when we feed the kids.
Accidentally got a seasme street clip, one link leads to another and before you know it, we are watching my favorite song!
Two years ago, there was no youtube.. no such link..
Now there is!, and if you are a Grover fan, here is "Monster in the mirror".
Jr. seems to have forgotten how crazy she was about these songs at one time. She is falling in love with them all over again!
Finally a perfect daddy-kid cartoon song. We loved this so much that we bought the DVD two years ago! It is "The alligator king".
ps. I am not a big fan of these youtube snippets because I am sure they are some kind of copyright violation and it is a question of time before they get taken down. Just wish that Sesame street would make some of these clips or even teasers of clips, available on their official site! Would also give bloggers like me a chance to show the readers what we are talking about, and maybe increase their DVD sales! After all, we are advertising them for free here...
pps. An anonymous commenter had requested the lyrics for the song two years ago. I am still trying to find the lyrics.. I did used to speak a little spanish in grad. school days thanks to the Dancing connection and learnt Beginner and Intermediate spanish.. so here is my attempt to give you the lyrics..
Baa Baa Bamba
As I walked in the country one day by chance
all the sheep in the meadow were doing a dance
and they were singing ...
Baa baa Bamba, Baa baa bamba
baa baa bamba, baa baa bamba
Y siguieron bailando Y bailando mas
entonces la vaca hecho el compas
entonces la vaca hecho el compas
And then the cow said how do you do
How do you do
I wanna dance and sing like you
Yes I wanna dance and sing like you
Yes I wanna sing and dance like you
I do!
and she was singing
Moo Moo mamba, ha ha haa, Moo Moo mamba
Moo Moo mamba, Moo Moo mamba
Y siguieron bailando Y bailando hai
un patito nadando pason por ayi
un patito nadando pason por ayi
And then the duck who just to happen to swim on by
said that is a dance I would like to try
said that is a dance I would like to try
and he was singing
quack quack quamba
quack quack quamba
quack quack quamba
quack quack quamba
Y siguieron bailando Y bailando hai
un gatito saltando pason por ayi
un gatito saltando pason por ayi
and then the cat who was playing in the hay
said watch and sing while I dance away
said watch and sing while I dance away
and he was singing
Meow meow Mamba, Meow meow Mamba
Meow meow Meaomba, okay, Meow meow Meaomba
baa baa bamba, baa baa bamba
moo moo mamba, moo moo mamba
quack quack quamba, quack quack quamba
meow meow mamba,meow meow mamba,
baa baa bamba, baa baa bamba
Se necesita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia pa'mí y pa' ti
Ay Arriba y arriba
Ay arriba y arriba
Yo no soy marinero,
Yo no soy marinero
Soy capitan
Soy capitan
todos huntos
one more time..
Seguir - to follow , continue
Saltar - to play
Nadar - to swim
Bailar - to dance
Native spanish speakers, please correct mistakes, apologies in advance for mistakes..