The Superbowl Prince

The deal with San was that if I got to watch "Tamizh Padam" yesterday, she gets to watch it today. The hamster brain forgot to put Superbowl into the equation, what with the sinus headache and not being able to think through those devious details.

Was hoping to convince the girls that watching Superbowl would be a good idea, what with the great ads and all.. but they convinced me otherwise.

Big screen wall mounted 52 inch TV - 1600 bucks

Goody bag puzzles and Disney princess memory game - probably under 10 bucks

Your kids forcing you to switch Superbowl off and make you play princess games - priceless!!!!

Youtube has all the Ad's in a "rate the ads" contest. No marks for guessing what I will do after the kids go to bed..
