Yes.. it can happen someday
even with a veggie diet!
There is always the starting trouble.
Then there is the dedication thing..
If it survives all that, there will be the occasional bugs from Jr. and little one that will demoralize and derail the whole exercise program and make one think "why do I even try?"
Still... still... there are those who inspire and encourage!
The family of course would like me to just get the six pack done surgically so no time is taken away from them.
If Jr. and the little one can be made to start working out with me? Make it an activity?
What then?
For starters going to take the "before" picture today..
6 months.. 6 days a week exercise.. 6 pack..
The devil cometh!
The worse thing that can happen is that the after picture looks just like the before picture, but we have plenty of experience dealing with that disappointment!