The bottom drops to an all time low...

Today when I picked up Jr. from school, she had a certificate.

It said something to the effect of "Congratulations on your birthday, etc. etc." and looked like a formal certificate with lots of colors on it!

Jr. said "are you proud of me, I earned that certificate"

Me: What do you mean "you earned it". You just had another birthday. You didn't work for it!

Jr. : Lived to be a year older, didn't I? (and makes a "duh" face, if you know what I mean)

Me : you lived to be a year older because your mom and me are still spoon feeding you, your breakfast and dinner and stuffing your leftover lunch in your mouth in the evening. If anything we should get the certificate.

Jr. : You are not fair. You are saying that because I got a certificate and I really earned it.

Me : !!!!!!!!!!!

Can understand people in gang infested neighborhoods feeling a sense of achievement for having lived longer and survived. But why would a seven year old living in a nice house with parents who spend 30 minutes a day with morning cereal and going to a nice school feel she earned a "birthday" certificate?

Beats me!
