To date, this blogger has not made a movie. His entire videography experience is limited to movie maker clips under ten minutes!
As Confusius once said (he said a lot of things and I am not sure if this is one of those things) "Every ass has a hole!" and along those lines, I have a little primer for how to make a blockbuster movie, purely based on watching movies that went on to become blockbusters or bankbusters.
1. Do not go overboard - on anything. Be it makeup, stunts, dialogues, accents, length of the movie, anything!
2. Do not insult your audience - even if you are doing something that is not normal, make it look possible under the assumptions of the movie. In other words, don't violate the rules of your own movie.
3. Find your target audience - You cannot please every type of audience, even if you are a universal hero! Go right or go left!
4. Screen time - One person showing his face for 80% of the movie, even if the face is disguised brilliantly, severely, grotesquely, is still cloying! Give other people in the movie a chance to participate! It is a movie, not a one man stage show.
5. Movies are expected to have a coherent flowing storyline and relevant dialogues. While they are not a must, they do help. A movie is not just a showcasing of acting talent. If one is capable of multiple disguises, you could technically do 36 five minute skits with 36 different makeups and string it all together and call it a three hour...."talent show"!
Why do I suddenly have the urge to write all this? Well, just came back from watching Dasavatharam, the movie.. sorry.. the Kamal Hasan talent show!
I am upset that he did not play Hilary Clinton or Barak Obama!
Well, maybe in the sequel Beesavadharam, where he plays 20 roles in the same movie, he will consider those two characters!