Growing up to be a..

We are driving along on 80E towards Sacramento and we see signs for UC Davis.

Daddy tells San and Jr. that the college has a great medical college and San turns and asks the kids

San : Do you want to be a doctor?
Jr. : Shakes her head and says No
LO : I don't want to be a doccccctorrrrr

the conversation continues..

San : So what do you want to become?
LO : (all excited) I want to be a MONSTER, when I grow up!
San : That you already are. Tell me what else you want to be?
LO : I want to be a snake
Jr. : you can't be a snake. You have to be born as a baby snake to be a snake. You are already a kid. you can only grow up to be a big girl!
San : (to Jr.) what do you want to be?
Jr. : I know, but I cannot tell you. It is a secret!
San : !!!!!

The good news is that there is a lot of time before anything has to be decided.
