Weight watchers ..

I am walking from the living room to the kitchen to get a glass of water..

My mother-in-law is holding the baby.. she asks me with a serious face..

"Naan gundu potturukkena, Sundar ?".. literal translation "have I put weight, sundar?".

Considering I was half asleep and also considering my brain is slow to catch on to what is going on, I am stumped..

From a young age I have been trained (along the lines of Pavlov's dogs) to instantly, without any hesitation say "no" to any question which has the word "me" and "weight" in the same sentence uttered by any woman, even before they complete the sentence..

I was about to nod my head vigourously and say "NO" when I spotted the pressure cooker on the stove.. Then it hit me!! She wanted to know if she had remembered to put the weight for the pressure cooker !! I smiled and said "yeah".. she didnt know why I smiled.. but I guess she will tomorrow when she reads this blog !