We are now into our Thanksgiving break.
The whole week off (thanks to forced vacation), not to mention my BIL is here to celebrate our birthdays..
Today, Jr. had a thanksgiving day lunch at her daycare..
This year we did not make it to the lunch because baby was sick. Jr. had to do without us at the lunch..
Had an interesting conversation with Jr. when I picked her up from daycare...
Me : did you have a good lunch ?
Jr.: Yes. I did not eat the turkey sandwich because I am VEGETARIAN.. so I ate veggies sandwich.. (I didnt even ask but she thought that was worth mentioning..)
Me : did you learn why we celebrate thanksgiving ?
Jr.: Yes. During thanksgiving everyone goes from England to India and they meet a lot of Indians.. I think it is because they want to go see Diwali !! Then they eat turkey and corn and say thanks to India !!
I couldnt stop laughing for a good five minutes!