Who do you listen to ?

Before I respond to "poor girl", let me set the record straight on a couple of issues.

1. I am indeed surprised by this form of Astrology as I am naturally inquisitive.
2. My curiosity should not be confused with acceptance of this method or its results
3. I do not endorse this Astrology or act as a spokesperson for the "Naadi Josiyar's Association", if such a thing exists.
4. I still do not know how this works. So the curiosity is still there..
5. I am not old enough or wise enough to give advice (especially marital advice)

Dear Poor Girl, (in what way you are poor, I do not know!)

I have had two experiences with Astrology/ advice in general which stand out in all my brushes with the topic.

1. When I was a freshman in college, I could not handle the hazing. So I wanted to write the IIT JEE again, get a better rank and try to get into IIT Madras. Everyone I knew was against it. They told me not to waste a year. But I was adamant and came back to Madras to study. At the time, I was taken to every Tom, Dick and Starry to get my future predicted. Everyone of these so called Astrolgers told my parents that I have a bright future and they should really not worry about this and just let me waste that year. So I was taken to see the Kanchi Swamigal. The old saint was in his nineties I think. Could hardly see, hardly hear. We made the trip to Kanchipuram and were lined up against a chicken wire fence. His Holiness was sitting 10 feet away. One of his assistants came by and asked my dad what the problem was, went and whispered something in the old man's ear and came back with the response. "he said, ask your son to stay here and study in a local college". My parents couldnt handle it. On our way back, they kept insisting that the Saint was old, he couldnt hear, it was the fault of the guy who went back and forth between my dad and the Holy man.. etc. etc.

Finally, I decided to go back to college and not waste that year, but it was because I spoke to a brilliant psychoanalyst by the name of Dr. Sivaprakasam.

2. My mother has a broken knee. Her knee has to be replaced with an artifical knee or she will not be able to walk. The doctor told her to go consult an astrologer to fix an "auspicious day" for the surgery!! The astrologer tells her that she should wait past Diwali or the surgery might not end up well!! As far as my mom goes, an astrologer trumps a doctor! After repeated pleading, my mother is still waiting for Diwali to come and go this weekend before she will go into surgery. I am worried, but I think she has the right to believe what she wants. As long as she doesn't ask me to postpone my surgery some day, it is fine by me!

So, what I am trying to say is, it is all upto you.. At the end of the day, you alone are responsible for your actions. None of these astrologers are going to stand by you.. not if you and your love lead a happy life.. not if you and your love fall into misery..

Good luck with your life!!