Of, relating to, affecting, or influenced by the human mind or psyche; mental.
Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy.
Of or relating to such mental processes.
n. pl. psy·chos
A psychopath.
Crazy; insane
Why this comparison from ??
Was accidentally drawn to the Tamil Mega serial my wife was watching today. It is called "kolangal" and comes on Sun TV. A guy was banging his head on the wall because the girl he proposes to, rejects him saying he is a maniac. He says "yes, I AM A PSYCHIC !!". I think he meant Psycho.. later he was using the two words interchangeably and continued to bang his head !!
A couple of scenarios play in your mind :
a. he is fully aware of the girls accusation that he is a psycho, but he is psychic enough to understand that this was going to happen !!
b. he thinks she is accusing him of being a psychic - and that is a problem ??
c. guy did very poorly in his GRE "Verbal" exam, so went to business school instead ?
I was rolling on the ground laughing. Maybe I should start watching SUN TV mega serials just for their comedy value in such serious situations ??