Today, I was witness to another US of A marvel. A thanksgiving lunch at my daughters school where parents came to serve the kids and participate..
It was wonderful. I myself never bothered to do deep research into the thanksgiving concept except get a dumbbed down version from my friend Carie, on my first thanksgiving break in the United States. Was more focussed on the two holidays we got than on the story she told me.
Now I get to have a fresh look at thanksgiving, thanks to the toddler. It was great to see all the kids sit at their alloted locations and have a formal lunch.
They even taught her a new song for thanksgiving..
tom tom turkey
tom tom turkey
run away
run away
thanksgiving day is coming
thanksgiving day is coming
yumm yumm yumm
we are raising her as a vegetarian.. so she didnt have the turkey.. just lots of fun..
Happy thanksgiving everyone !!